How to draw a girl's face?

How to draw a girl's face?

Almost all the young artists seeking to learn how to draw not only natural objects, but also of people, especially their faces - portraits. Here are some lessons, sketching the face of a young girl, carried out step by step in a simple manner.

How to draw the face of a serious girl?

To begin, try to draw a portrait of a girl with delicate features.

It will take:

  • Simple pencil
  • Album sheets
  • Ruler
  • Eraser


  • Draw a circle. Spend at its center a vertical beam that goes beyond the circle of half diameter - its end will be the center of the chin. Output cheekbones by connecting broken lines circle with the chin contour.

  • Divide the length of the face 8 shares, draw a horizontal line segments through the points: A, C, Center (blue square), two, three.

  • The center line (inside the circle) break points on five equal parts. Between the second and third mark - lift crescent upper eyelid. Make a mirror image to the bottom and a small circle outline the pupil - is the right eye. Left eye does as well.

  • Nose. Lower the two perpendicular beams from the inner corner of the eye to the segment №3. Slightly above the second line mark the ellipse - the tip of the nose. Two arcs define the width and shape of the nose. Under the C line, apply the raised eyebrows, nose Draw wings and nose.

  • Lips. Draw down from the center of the pupil direct rays to the intersection with line 3, connect these points with the tip of the nose to a triangle. Spend the top line with two ridges, and the bottom - just waved to get the upper lip swelling. Lip mark the half arc, placing it on the base of the triangle.

  • Starting from the center and before reaching the second line, draw the ears using double wavy line.

  • Draw the hair curls, curls down to his shoulders. Parting slide left and bangs zacheshite side. Erase baster and pencil drawing is ready.

How to draw the face of a girl from the movie?

Portray a character from the cartoon is much simpler than a real person. Consider Anime drawing technique more:

  • In the center of the sheet draw a circle, then the middle (vertical) line and two parallel horizontal. Four brackets mark the shape of the eyes, strokes put to the mouth and nose, chin pull crooked lines.

  • Determine the hair by drawing their dome above the circle and separate the bangs over his forehead be straight. Outline chelochkoy rectangular strands, relive the pupil of the eye and eyelids.


  • Schedule a long neck, collarbone, shoulders and neckline blouse. Careless strokes make flowing hair strands.

  • Erase additional line pattern and color pens or watercolors.

How to draw a girl's face in profile?

Figure in the profile can convey sophistication person, mood, and even a person's character.

  • Describe a circle in the middle of the sheet. Schedule it on the horizontal diameter, the lower tangent and a small slanted beam crosses the left arc.
  • Draw two parallel beam: the diameter and the vertical line tangent to the facial angle (left edge of the circle) and the output profile to the nose, mouth, chin lie on this line.
  • Erase interfering grid and mark the eyes, eyebrows, lips. Draw the ear - it must be at the same level with the eye. Follow her hair, fluffing thin strokes her hair. Designate two runs neck, trace the outline and apply the shade on the cheeks, podborodnuyu hole, neck.

In general, nothing complicated in the drawing female face. A little practice, you'll be doing drawings for a few minutes and without any geometric constructions.

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