How to draw a square?

How to draw a square?

Square is a quadrangle, in which the parties and corners are equal. Draw a square from hand or using geometric tools: ruler, transport, circulation.

How to draw a square in cells?

Drawing through the cells is easy, so attract to the lesson of kids.


  • Tetrad sheet
  • Pencil


  • Set the horizontally five cells and connect them with an even line. You have one side of the figure.
  • From the beginning of the first face at right angles, set up five more cells - the second side.

To note: the square has all the corners direct, that is, 90º are equal.

  • From the end of the second side the third same length that the previous two.
  • Connect the vertices of the first and third parties and get the square. Having learned to draw around the cells, try to depict the figure on color paper - it will be much brighter and expressive.

How to draw animals from a square?

The square made in the previous paragraph can be turned into a raced animal, a bird or fish. The exercise will have to be very powerful if you work for a couple with a child.

Take: Konter, simple pencil, markers.

We start drawing a bear face:

  • Round the vertices of the square. The top corners of the object decorate the semicircles - there will be ears.
  • In the middle of the rectangle, output two oval inclined to each other. They define two small circles with points in the center - eyes. Below, take a shape, similar to an inverted wineglass - nose and mouth. Coloring at your discretion and - Funny face ready.

By the way: the same transformation can be done with a triangle, circle, polygon.

How to draw a square with the help of transport?

If the shape needs to be built on a non-similar sheet, use it for its creation by a ruler and transport.

  • Speak the support beam equal to 6 cm on the sheet (the length is approximate) is the future 1st side of the square.

  • Build at the ends of the created beam angles \u003d 90º. To do this, place the transport center first on one, then at the other end of the segment - it will be the vertices of the direct angle.

  • On the round scale of the tool, find 90º, mark the point. Connect the vertex with the label and swipe the vertical rays.

  • Set up 6 cm on the built lines, connecting the extreme points. Will erase unnecessary outlines and in front of you accurate square.

How to draw a square using a circulation?

In this case, except for paper, line, pencil and lasty you will need a circulation. And of course it will be a simple drawing, not a drawing.

  • Postpone the segment and build on it using the transportation of the LMN direct angle. Put the cigl edge in T. m and silence the griffing arc, which will determine the side of the square (T. P).

  • Move your foot on the second segment and cross it arc. Get t. Q, which is transferred to the needle of the circulation and spend the first arc below the MN beam. Do the same, putting the leg in t. P. Two arcs will cross the cross in T. R.

  • Connect the points - p, r and points - q, r with straight segments. Figure released - PMQR is a square. Now carefully erase the mark.

How to draw a bulk square?

If you liked the creative process, try to draw a bulk square, that is, a cube.

  • Draw one square, below - position the second so that it overlaps the first. Connect both figures with rays: the upper left angle of the first square with the top left corner of the second. The upper right corner of the 1st figure with the top right is the second figure. Also spend the bottom corners and remove the secondary lines.

  • To give a volume, let out the shadow object, stitch the edges and circle the contour of the black blade.

As you can see, draw the square is easy. The main thing is to follow these instructions, perform training exercises and everything will turn out.


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