How to draw a cat on the face

How to draw a cat on the face

Drawings on the face - entertainment that you like the children of all ages. After all, with the help of paints, you can understand your image and turn, depending on the desire, in the fabulous princess, brave pirate or the hero of your favorite cartoon. The most popular guys enjoy painted on the face of the face of affectionate domestic pets - cats. And if your child also dreams of reincarnating into a cute kitty - use our open lesson.

How to draw a cat on the face - aquagrim

Aquagrim - water-based paints, which are easily applied with a tassel, quickly washed off with warm water with soap and do not pack clothes. Prepare: paints, cosmetic brushes, sponge. Remove the hair from the face of the model under the bezel.

  • Take a sponge a little white paint and apply it to the bridge, the alleged mustache, the chin edges.

To note: such paints, and with them - brushes, sequins, stencils are sold in the department of stationery and in stores for creativity.

  • Test over the eyebrow arcs raspberry triangular ears figures. On the spout and in the center of the chin, where the smell, mark the same color to small specks and make a blush cheeks.
  • Circuit with a tassel, dipped into the black paint, two sides of the ears, similar to the bird-ticks.
  • Connect the segment of the leaves of the ears, and the tip of the nose decorate the dark stain in the form of an inverted heart.
  • Slim brush put black dots along the contour of the upper lip. Draw shortly to the mustache, having spent them from the nasolabial fold up to the serving part of the cheekbone.
  • In small black strokes, we mark the wool on the chin and on the side of the side (right and left) of the face.

Here is your kitten ready. It remains to raise a tricky muzzle, put on a cooked costume and running on a carnival or theatrical matinee.

How to draw a cat on the face - Programs

It is absolutely necessary to buy special paints, you can do the usual decorative cosmetics. So, deliver the contents of the cosmetics and follow our instructions:

  • apply to the face of the database under makeup, then let it down;
  • will with white shadows, the nasolabial zone, the tip of the nose and the plot between the eyebrows, and the eyelids densely cover with gray shadows;
  • nose-triangle kitty back and felt dark shadows for the eyes. Circuit the contour of the eyelid first black, then with a white cosmetic pencil, stretching and lifting up the arrows up - get an elongated feline square;
  • paint the mustache starting with the nasolabial track and passing on the cheeks - three hairs on each side;
  • the center of the nose and the upper lip coup into the dark dash. Observe the smooth line of the mouth of the mouth and color it bright lipstick.

IMPORTANT: Do not draw on your face if it has scratches and acne.

Recommend to our recommendations, connect fantasy, and your work will be rare in kind.

How to draw a cat on the face - homemade paints

Colorful paint to create interesting drawings just cook yourself. For home aquagrim will need: 3 tbsp. l. Starch, 50 ml of water, 1 tsp. Moisturizing cream, 4-5 drops of food dye.

  • Dissolve starch in water, add cream and enter a dye into the mixture. Stir and - the composition is ready.
  • To fulfill the drawing, collect your palette, using different food dyes - black, white, red, pink.
  • The prepared composition is rooting the face as well as in the items described above.

To note: a water-based makeup is washed off with water with soap, and made with the addition of cream - is removed by vaseline.

  • For the effectiveness of the pattern, use theatrical shine, which applies after drying the paint. To complete the portrait, tie on the head of the daughter sticking tails or just scat out your hair on the shoulders.

By the way, many ladies, gathering on a fashionable party, also do not mind to paint in the guise of a cute kitty, depicting her face on her face.

No matter what methods you draw a cat. The main thing, create a bright and unforgettable image that gives the child a great mood and will remember for a long time.

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