How to draw a plane?

How to draw a plane?

Many boys, and some girls, in preschool and younger school age with pleasure draw cars, ships, submarines, civil and military equipment. They are especially attracted by the Devora - airplanes, but these iron "birds" are not always obtained in young artists. If your child is also fond of painting flying devices, help him using the tips below.

How to draw a plane in simple?

The little airplane is drawn easily, the main thing - try to abide by the proportions and the form of the subject.


  • Paper
  • Simple pencil
  • Eraser

Creative steps:

  • Note on a sheet of the body of the future air unit, which is your contour with a raised tail and rounded nose, is like a small whale.

  • Attach triangular plates with tiny edges to the sides of the workpiece - wings will come out.

  • At the tail, hit two round items, the so-called tail plumage. Note the front line of the windshield in front (pilots sit behind it in the cabin), and on the sides - with small circles output the portholes. In principle, the drawing is ready. Erase the mark and if there is a desire, color your airplane to your favorite color.

How to draw a plane from the cartoon?

Such an option is a bit more complicated than the previous one, so perform difficult parts with the child, explaining how this aircraft object works according to what principle.

  • Sketch the elongated semi-one ("belly" of the aircraft), then display its mirror (back), connect the joints and get the fuselage (body).

  • Consider two rectangles in the side sides of the winged machine and wings will appear. In the tail part three trapezes, raise stabilizers and keel. Note under each wing in a pair of semicircles - there will be engines.

  • On the fuselage, draw the doors and windows with large and small squares, and the pilots will highlight with incomplete oval.

  • Add to the image of the cloud and bloom it with markers or watercolor.

How to draw a plane - biplane?

Biplans drawing will be interesting not only to children, but also adults.

Help: Biplan - the Soviet aircraft of the An-2 (in the people - Annushka, the corn), which is still used as agricultural, sports, passenger transport.

  • Switch on a sheet of paper two barely noticeable crossed lines. Draw the figure (the first left strip - the guide), consisting of a rectangle and a triangle with a cut-off tip, is the outline of the fuselage.

  • Purify the "bird" streaming, repeating the same form below, and connect both sides by vertical segments.

  • On the upper plane, build a pilot cockpit, with two trapecies and one rectangle. Pull the wings on the right beam and add the tail steering wheel.

  • Mark the chassis in small circles and connect it with the plane by inclined rays. Turn the figure to the front of the aircraft, resembling an ostrich egg with the pointed blades included in it - this is a propeller. Double the connecting lines and erase the unnecessary mark.

  • Draw the plane with colored pencils and circle the circuit with a dark marker.

How to draw a passenger plane?

Let's try to draw Boeing 747 - Passenger Two-Welcome Welcoming Aircraft.

  • Below from the left edge of the sheet, describe the ellipse. Paint the nose of the aircraft and an incomplete rectangle for the hull to it. Add a rectangular triangle to the right edge, to which the trapezium is topped - a vertical stabilizer.


  • Attach the wings, the horizontal stabilizer, engines and their mounts.

  • Circle the fat line all the unit and apply the windows, doors, cockpit of pilots.

  • Additional strokes add volume to all small details and shed the liner as you want.

Having received our recommendations, put them in business, creating amazing pictures with children to decorate the house or colorful postcards by February 23 and the Victory Day.

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