Anime is a Japanese animation, a distinctive feature of which are expressive, as if sward eyes of characters. Initially, the films of this direction were intended for adolescents and adults, but with time the cartoons covered the children's audience. If your child is an anime fan, suggest it to draw a favorite hero. Start drawing from the eye - it is not difficult if you act according to our instructions.
How to draw big anime eyes?
Eyes in anime, depending on the image of the acting person, are drawn differently. To begin with, consider how children's eyes are written, because such a type is most often found in the animation.
It will take:
- Late paper
- Simple and colored pencils
- Eraser
We work:
- Swipe a smooth line on the paper, similar to a gentle slope. Lower to the right of it down the dash and get the top eyelid. Return from the inner corner of the eye a couple of millimeters and take the bottom of the eyelid short stroke. Subscribe the pupil, stretching from the lower century an ellipse and enter in it two mug-glare: the top - more, the bottom is smaller.
- From the edge of the upper circuit with thin dashes, start the cilia. If you make a left eye, flexing the cilia to the right, right - send the hairs left. To make the depth of eyes, spend a little higher than the upper century a curved line and draw a raised eyebrow.
- Coloring the iris with a dark blue with a transition to ultramarin, pupil darken, leave the reflections white.
Dorisinate the second eye and get a curious, with a small sickness of a child.
How to draw female anime eyes?
The eyes of the girl, mysterious and mounted, are drawn in a slightly different scheme.
- Paper
- Simple pencil
- Feltolsters
- Position the sheet in front of them and draw an arcuate line under which explicitly pull out the horizontal oval. In it, draw a pupil consisting of two semi-sinks.
- Test from under the main circuit from the outside of the eyelash line. And on the central oval, there are two round reflections. Under short cilia, make a curve line.
- Raise the eyebrow by spending a curved line over the eye, the thinning right to left. Circlave the marker of the main outline, and unnecessary strokes - erase.
- Slow out the eye, making the bottom of the white sclera, and the top is blue. The circle of pupils fasten the black felt-tip pen, the iris - green, glare - white. Put the shadows of the bed shada above the upper age, near the lacrimal corner and under the bottom eyelashes.
I understood the technique and practicing, you can easily draw a quick and unpredictable, gentle and gullible girl anime.
How to draw male anime eyes?
The courageous eyes of strong sex representatives are drawn just like female, but some differences are still present.
- Picture two curved lines: upper - thicker and longer, lower - thinner and shorter. Between them, closer to the upper side, make a semicircle with a small circle in the center.
- Note the skin folds, having spent several crooked lines around the eye. Outline eyebrows, drawing a thick double line, and shrink it with dark color.
- Dark feltster circle all the main details. Strip hatch, make a cream shade proteins, put a large glare with an elongated ellipse - and courageous eyes of an animation superhero are watching.
So, you received advice - proceed to creativity. But remember that there is no single style image anime, so do not be afraid to draw in your manner, changing the color, size, form of details and character character.