How to draw a birthday card

How to draw a birthday card

The postcard is a symbol of attention. When you choose it, always think about a person, your gift will like him or not. But much more pleasant to receive a postcard homemade, it suggests that you not only chose her, but also invented the design themselves and did it with their own hands. Such a gift will not remain unnoticed.
In this article we will analyze how to draw a birthday card. To begin with, you should get:

  • Pencil simple.
  • Eraser.
  • Color pencils or markers, you can use paint.
  • Dense paper A4 format.

Before starting, thinking that it would be possible you would like to draw and whom the future postcard is intended.

How to draw postcard for mom's birthday

Sometimes we do not know how to surprise a loved one, and so I want to remember the gift and he has long helped to keep memories. A homemade card for mothers will be exactly the warm memories of you.

  • Take a sheet of paper. Bend it in half.
  • We will draw a bear. To do this, drew oval in the center, tilting it to the right - this is head. Then we draw inside the nose and muzzle, use ovals of different values.

  • Skin the nose, do not forget to leave the white glare. Then paint your eyes, ears, mouth and eyebrows.

  • Draw a body, take two rounded lines from the head.
  • From the torso draw the paws of the bear. Do not forget to erase the extra lines, for this you do not pull a pencil.

  • On the side of the muzzle draw a frame of plates. We will have a cake on it, draw three parts of it. Do not forget the higher the cake, the less the next part should be.

  • It remains to draw a paw that holds the plate.
  • Add details. Wavy lines on the cake will make a sembling cream. From above, you can draw cherries or numbers. Do not forget to add a second paw.

  • You can detail your bear, paint him clothes or make it more toy, adding lines in the form of seams.
  • The postcard is almost ready. Work over the background. You can decorate the postcard with balls, hearts. Do not forget to write a wish and sign it.

How to draw a birthday card - ideas

We do not always know what exactly can be depicted on the layer lying in front of us. So below we give a couple of options that you can draw on the birthday card.

For Dad:

  • You can portray all family members and its heads.
  • Remember what you like to do with dad, it can be a campaign or fishing, or a game of chess. Make your overall leisure idea for postcard.
  • Remember the tips or his phrases, write them on your postcard, it will be a great background.
  • Picture a fragment from your favorite movie or a favorite joke.

For Mom:

  • Show fantasy, try to draw her portrait, not necessarily in the style of realism.
  • Picture mom in the center of the postcard, and around laying around what you want, let it be a kind of "desire map." Come up with magic words, repeating which everyone will be fulfilled.
  • You can always draw a vase with flowers.
  • Cute animals or cartoon heroes can also be a good decoration.

Drawing a postcard, do it with a soul. Leaving on a sheet of paper a part of its heat, you will do someone happier.

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