How pension is calculated

How pension is calculated

Pension calculation conditions are quite often changed, especially considering the reforms that began from 2015. Now citizens need to know what is a pension score and a premium coefficient. New terms could confuse even the younger generation, because now you need to renounce your approximate amount of pension payments, and if it is necessary to change something in everyday work life. In this article, you will find out in detail how the pension is calculated now, as you can calculate it yourself and online, and also get acquainted with new terms. You will see that in fact everything is quite simple and does not cause special difficulties.

What does pension calculation formula look like and what you need to know

Seeing a new formula, you can be very surprised, since half of the criteria may not be familiar to you. But do not be upset, gradually you will understand them in this article. Take a look at a modern pension calculation formula.

Insurance pension in old age \u003d IPK X SIPK X to X FV X K. Now disassemble all components. Read more:

  • IPCs are pension points that you have managed to accumulate pensions at the time of payment. The pension score is calculated separately, it depends on your experience, your salary and the amount that the employer contributes to the Pension Insurance Fund. This score you will learn to verify later.
  • SIPK - the cost of one pension point, or pension coefficient at the time of calculating the pension. This is a fixed value and is established by the state. At the time of 2017, its value is 78.58 rubles.
  • K - premium coefficients. They work for people with high experience, which retire later than them should be done by law.
  • FV - fixed payment. It is guaranteed by the state to everyone, at the beginning of 2017, is 4805 rubles and is constantly indexed. Follow the news in order not to miss the next indexation.

It looks quite frightening, but everything can be understood.

How to calculate IPK

IPC has its own separate formula for deduction, namely:

IPK \u003d SV divided into SV maximum and multiplied by 10.

  • SV - insurance premiums that contributed your employer in the amount of 10% or 16%.
  • Sv Maximum is a number established by the state, which changes every year. At the time of 2017 is 876,000 steering wheel.

That is, you need to have as much experience as possible so that the employer can make as much interest as possible to the Foundation. A new pension calculation system is based on your experience. You need to score more pension balls to see the real growth of pensions.

How to find out the parameter to

Premium coefficients, which is the so-called parameter K. It depends directly from your experience after the occurrence of retirement age. The table is shown below.

That is, if you make a pension not in the last year, but in two later, then you get 1.12 premium coefficients. If for five years later, then 1.36.

An example of calculating the pension alone

Try to calculate your future pension with a new formula. For example, you are going to work for 35 years, coming out a pension for one year later. Salary at the same time on average 40 000 rubles with a rate of 16% of contributions to the Pension Fund.

The formula will look like this:

Pension score for the year \u003d (40,000 x 12 x 0.16) / (876 000 x 0.16) x 10, where

  • 40,000 - average salary;
  • 12 - the number of months per year;
  • 0.16 - retirement rate 16%;
  • 876 000 Maximum non-taxable amount in 2017.

It turns out the number 5.479 and multiply it on the work experience of 35 years. We get 191, 769.

  • This number is multiplied by the cost of one point in 2017 191, 769 x 78,58 \u003d 15068
  • Now add the size of the fixed payment 4805 + 15068 \u003d 19873.
  • Pension will be precisely so much.

How to calculate pension online

If you do not want to understand large formulas, you can use the online calculator on the Russian Pension Fund at the address

Keep in mind that the activities of the IP and the hired employee are calculated separately.

First fill out all standard forms on the site, namely:

  • Your floor, date of birth.
  • Years of military service.
  • Amount of children.
  • Years of child care.

  • Further, the number of years that you cared for disabled citizens and did not work, how many years you are ready to work after the official retirement opportunity.
  • Now you need to choose the type of worker. Further calculation depends on this.

  • If you have chosen the AP operation, then the amount per year and the number of experience is entered.

  • If you chose a hired employee, the salary is introduced for the month and experience.

  • So you can easily calculate your pension on the site.

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