How to get a pension for the loss of the breadwinner

How to get a pension for the loss of the breadwinner

Pension on the loss of the breadwinner - allowance for those who have not achieved 18 years of age. In case of full-time learning in educational institutions - 23 years old.

What provisions are regulated by a pension for the loss of the breadwinner

Pension payments are governed by federal laws:

  • FZ No. 400 dated December 28, 2013. Article Law "On Insurance Pensions".
  • FZ №166 dated December 15, 2001. Article "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".
  • The law on pension provision of military personnel and their family members of February 12, 1993.

Who has the right to pay a pension for the loss of the breadwinner

  • Social pension is accrued to children of citizens (without experience) recognized by the state disabled.
  • Children of workers (only with official data in the employment record) are entitled to allowance. Persons in the family of military personnel receive a military retirement.
  • Children of dead persons who have received injury or other harm to health as a result of a catastrophe have the right to public benefit.

Terms of appointment of pension pension for the loss of the breadwinner

Guaranteed payment is assigned to a dependent child before reaching the 18th anniversary. Up to 23 years old - a full-time studying in Russia. As well as in educational institutions of other countries.

Baby breadwinner can care for the nearest relative. Naturally, it is not able to work. In this case, he receives insurance pay. In court, it can be proven that the children deliberately committed actions that led to the death of the breadwinner. After that, they will lose their rights to public funds.

Circumstances of the payment of the payment of pension for the loss of the breadwinner

Pension appointment is confirmed by the payment of insurance premiums. Pension bodies take into account the following circumstances:

  • Individual pension coefficient of IPCs or pension score (according to the new formula defines the rights of citizens to pension provision). Depending on the employment experience. Also from temporary refusal to receive a pension at the request of the face, the size of insurance premiums. It is enough that a person worked for several days and confirmed.
  • For what time the breadwinner has carried out work. How much time officially expelled funds to the Pension Fund (his insurance experience).
  • Children before reaching the 18th anniversary can use, for example, a disability pension. They can go to the insurance fees of the breadwinner. Of course, in the event that for them its income was the main means of existence.

These are the circumstances in which there is the right to pay.

How to get a pension for the loss of the breadwinner

Fixed payment size for 2017 in Russia is 2402 rubles 56 kopecks. This is based on one child. Categories of round orphans get the allowance. Just like citizens living in the regions of the Far North. Such a basic size. But there is a second part of the manual. It depends on the insurance experience, age, child's ability to work. May depend on the circumstances of the death of the breadwinner.

The size of the pension for the loss of the breadwinner in the monetary equivalent

Insurance pension for the loss of the breadwinner is charged from the date of reception required documents. Their and the application can be submitted through the Internet network, for example, on the public authority website. Paper provided with copies.

In the Pension Fund, a person will be available to be explained how to collect documents. In addition to the statement and passport, a citizen of the Russian Federation will need:

  • SNILS (certificate of compulsory insurance);
  • documents confirming the experience and position at the place of work;
  • documents on the death of the breadwinner and related relations with the deceased (the decision of the court on the recognition of the face is dead).

Pension is paid every month. After reaching a certain age (18 or 23 years, respectively) is not paid.

So, the specified payment is protection from the vulnerable strata of society after the loss of the breadwinner. Insurance pension is paid to the children of military personnel, employees and workers. If the insurance payment is not relying, then the child will receive a social pension.

When the documents are collected and commissioned to state bodies on time and in full, citizens have the right to expect to receive this payment. Also in case of refusal failure, one can achieve their rights in court.

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