How to use Chit Endin

How to use Chit Endin

Cheat Engine - a program that allows you to increase or decrease numerical parameters in the game (money, the number of troops, the number of cartridges, etc.). Below are instructions for the application of the program.

In order for the program to work efficiently, you need to download it from the right source.

Download Chit Endin for Windows or Mac

  • We go to the official one program website, click on “Download Cheat Engine”, after which downloading immediately begins.

If you have Mac, then you can download the MAC version of the program on the same page, under a large green tab.

Install the cheat Endin

  • Open the folder with the downloaded file and start it.

  • The installation window pops up, offering us to close all applications before installation. Close all applications and click on “Next”.

  • Next comes the user agreement window. Click on I Accept the Agreement, and then on “Next”.

  • We select the disk and folder where the Cheat Engine program will be installed and click on “Next”.

  • The window that appears offers to create a program folder in the starting menu. If you want to create it, click on “NEXT”, if not, you mark the “DONT CREATE A Start Menu Folder” with a box of “Next”.

  • In the next window we choose whether we want to create an icon on the desktop or not. If so, then put a box of the first line. Press further.

  • In the next window, we again click on “Next”, after which the program will be directed.

  • When the cheat Endi is installed, a couple more windows will appear. We press a corny and boring on “Next” several more times, and at the end “Finish”.

How to use Cheat Engine - an example on GTA San Andreas

  • We launch the game (in this case GTA SA), launch the cheat of Angen and by pressing the computer icon in the upper left corner, select the name of the game and then - “Open”. Now the program has contacted the game and is ready to scan and change all its numerical parameters.

  • We select the parameter of the game that we want to change, for example, money. It can be seen that now the money in the game is 500,000. Suppose that we want to change this value up to 10 million.

  • Enter the value of 500,000 into a line with the name “Value” and click on “First Scan”. The program will give out all values \u200b\u200bequal to 500,000 that exist in the gameplay.

  • Since it is not clear which one is responsible for money, you need to change the amount of game currency and introduce a new value. Thus, we will give the program the opportunity to compare the initial and last values \u200b\u200band display the parameter that is responsible for money to the screen. We leave everything as it is, enter the game and change the amount of money.

  • Enter a new meaning into a line called “Value” and click on “Next Scan”. We highlight new values, click on the right mouse button. In the falling window, select “Add Selected Adresses to the Adresslist”.

  • The values \u200b\u200bare moved to the lower panel. We clamp the CTRL and select all the values, then press the right mouse button according to any, in the drop -down menu, select “Change Record”, then “Value”.

  • Enter the value we need, in this case 10,000,000 and click OK.

  • Open a folded game, we are convinced that the meaning has changed.


Now you can calmly close the Cheat Engine, the result will not be lost.

It is important to remember that the actions of Chit Angina do not apply to MMORPG, network-online games.

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