How to use BlueScreenView

How to use BlueScreenView

The blue screen of death is able to drive into a stupor of even an experienced computer user. When such an error appears, it means that your system has a problem that is able to deal with the entire OS: it is a fault of components, their incorrect installation, errors in drivers, incompatibility of any system files.

Not everyone can independently decipher information from the logs, therefore special programs were created for these purposes, allowing to decipher all the log information and highlight the main error, due to which "crash" occurred. One of the most popular and simple can be called BlueScreenView, as it does not require installation, easy to manage and has a convenient built-in Google search feature. Look attentively how to solve the problem of the blue screen in this article.

You can download the utility on the official website of the developer, and third-party resources. Go to the site and click "Download".

On the next page, you must make a choice in favor of one of the types of systems: 32 bits or 64. If you do not know the discharge of your system, you can find out here:

  • Start - Control Panel - System.

After selecting the discharge, the download will begin immediately.

While the program downloads to your computer, configure the system file dump. This is necessary to complete the analysis of the problem.

The thing is that the system overwrites the data after each appearance of the blue screen, thereby replacing the logs. You need to make it so that the logs are preserved each time, who does not replace old, because they may also need.

Go to the control panel.

Go to the "System and Security" section. If you see another list in this window, then put sorting by category at the upper right side of the screen.

Now go to the "System" tab.

In the left menu, you will see the item "Advanced System Parameters". This section is protected by a shield, which means that you can enter it only with the user's administrative account.

In the window that opens, select the "Advanced" tab, and then "Parameters" in the "Load and Recovery" section.

The lowest item "Replace an existing dump file" should be without a tick nearby. If it is worth, then remove. Click "OK" and exit from the settings and control panel.

Now you can run the BlueScreenView program itself to analyze log files. To do this, log in to the downloaded archive and select the BlueScreenView.exe file, double-clicking on it. The remaining files in this folder are not needed.

As mentioned earlier, the program does not require installation and opens instantly.

All strings with a blue screen icon are "crash" system lately. The second column shows the time and date when a failure occurred.

Under the window with the crash, we will see a detailed content of the logs of each individual event, but now you do not need the lower window.

To find out what the problem lies, click on the string with the error right-click. In the list that appears, select the "Google Search - Bug Check" string.

Brief description of the problem you will also see in the third column in English.

Immediately a browser will open with the search results on your problem. Almost always one of the first is the official site of Microsoft. Follow the link to it and you will see the answers of the specialists.

Microsoft also has detailed instructions for each error from your log. Take all items specified in it and you will solve the problem forever.

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