How to choose a computer processor

How to choose a computer processor

You decided to assemble the computer yourself without taking ready-made decisions. Well, this is quite competent and worthy of respect for the decision. The first thing you need is, of course, the choice of processor as the main part of the future personal computer. In order to decide on the model, you must have at least minimal knowledge about them. After all, a raise purchase can lead to a breakdown of parts, incompatibilities of spare parts, or it will be insufficient power.

Select Brand. In the market, as you know, there are two main manufacturer - Intel and AMD. AMD usually produces more friendly processors. They are cheaper than Intel's at the expense of lower performance. Intel is produced mainly by heavyweight. However, in choosing motherboards, be careful, since these processors are usually compatible only with motherboard materials. And remember that the AMD quad-core processor with 3.0 GHz is not necessarily the same as the quad-core 3.0 GHz Intel.

Decide with the number of cores. Now you can meet 10-, and 16-nuclear processors, but their performance may be lower than a 4- or 2-nuclear computer. Since the separation on the kernels can be virtual. So in 2012, Ziilabs announced the release of a 100-nuclear CPU, where 4 kernels were the main ones, and the remaining 96 are simplified and less universal. Your choice will depend on your goals. For example, if you player or a 3D artist, you may need a 3- or 4-nuclear processor. And if you plan to use only text editors and view sites on the Internet, it will be enough.

Decide with the speed of the processor. CPU speed is measured in gigahertians. Here, too, it all depends on the use of the PC: For the simplest tasks, the speed of 2 GHz is suitable. For a powerful gaming video card, you will need a speed of 2.5 GHz. For video edits, a speed is needed above or equal to 3.0 GHz.

Pick and other suitable components. If you purchased an expensive powerful processor, do not save on the video card and the motherboard to it. Otherwise, they will slow down the work of the processor. And vice versa - even the most powerful video card and the motherboard, with a 2-core 2.0 GHz processor, will not lead to good operation of the computer.

Consider all these nuances and you get exactly what you need.

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