How to find out which processor is

How to find out which processor is

To date, there are many varieties of processors on computers. In this connection, it is quite acceptable that you need to double-check or first get acquainted with the characteristics of the processor on the computer. To implement this task, both regular Windows and special programs will be suitable for identifying reliable data on the processor.

The easiest and meanwhile, the effective way to get this information is to switch to the "Properties" item through the "Computer", by pressing the right mouse button. To do this, go to the "Start" menu or use the label on the desktop if it is present.

A new window called "System" opens. We are interested in the "Processor" clause, where the characteristic will be described: the model and the name of the processor, its frequency and number of nuclei.

In the same window, in the left submenu, open the Device Manager. We find the "Processors" tab and choose it. If the computer is multi-core, then the number of rows with the processor characteristics shown in the tab will match the number of kernels on the computer.

The second method with which you can find out which processor is on the computer - this is the use of the DIRECTX diagnostic tools. In order to open this window, you must use the command line (Win + R). After calling it in the "Open" field, enter the following command: dxdiag.

After pressing the "ENTER" key, in the "System" tab, we find the "Processors" string. In this graph, the necessary information will be provided regarding the characteristics of the processor.

You can use another command to also find out the processor characteristic. To do this, enter the MSINFO32 command (or MSINFO64, depends on the battery of the computer) and press "ENTER".

A window will open with information about the system where, among other things, information about the processor with all its characteristics will be given.

As mentioned, you may find out information about the processor and using third-party programs. For this purpose, the program "CPU-Z" will suit, allowing you to learn the most detailed information about the system, including the processor. After installing and running it, you must select the "CPU" tab, where the desired characteristics will be given. In the Cores item indicated the number of processor cores.

There is an effective analogue - AIDA64 (former everest), with wider functionality and capabilities. After starting, click the "System Plan" tab, select "CPU". Next, the program will give you all the necessary information. The only nuance is that this program does not apply for free, i.e. Aida64 Need to buy to use it officially.

With the help of the above methods, most users check the characteristics of their processors. This procedure is sufficiently important and can serve for various purposes. In this connection, it is extremely desirable to know the information about the processor on your computer.

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