How to find out how big system

How to find out how big system

Many PC users when installing drivers, programs, a new version of Windows or under other circumstances face such a concept as a system bending. How to determine it, what does x32, x64 and x86 be a bit system mean? All of these questions will consider in this article.

The first thing you need to know each user is that the X32 and X86 bit system are the same. To be the most detailed, x86 is the second symbol of the X32 of the discharge system. Now a new question appears, what is the difference between x32 and x64 by bit systems. The X32 system works only with 3 GB of RAM. If there are more than 4 GB of memory in your system, they will not be involved. The X64 system, in turn, works with all the operational memory of the computer and is the most high-speed. Applications calculated on the X32 system, on x64 bit start without problems, but on the contrary - programs for x64 on the X32 Bit system will not be launched.

Now we will analyze how to check which system is installed by the user. You can do this in several ways. The most popular method is to determine the system of system through the control panel. To do this, go to the "Control Panel" and select the System tab.

A window will open with computer information. We are looking for the item "System Type", there will be specified how many bit systems.

You can check such data through the system information. To do this, open the "Start" menu and in the column search writing "System Information".

In search, click on the "System Information" tab. In the window that opens, we are looking for the item "Type". There will be specified how many bit systems will be.

Bimosis can be defined through the diagnostic tool. Open the Start menu, we are looking for the "Standard" folder. We find the "Run" tab.

In the window that opens, enter the "dxdiag" command.

The Diaptx Diagnostics Tool window opens. We are looking for an "operating system", there will be a bit indicated.

Another effective way is to use an external program called CPU-Z. She is satisfied popular and absolutely free for use. Run the program and looking for the "Spetification" item. There will be a system discharge system.

In Windows XP, you can use the following methods. Open the "Start" menu, choose "My Computer" - "Properties". We find the "General" tab, where we define the system of system.

Another method that can also be used in Windows XP is the command prompt command. Through the "Start" menu, we are looking for the "Run" tab. In the window that opens, drive the "CMD" command. The console will open, where and you need to enter the "SystemInfo" command. After that, in the command prompt, detailed information about the system will be released, where it will be possible to determine how many-bit you have a system.

Thus, in order to find out how many bit system you have, you can use any of the methods described above. In any case, each of these methods is faithful and can be used to solve such a task as the definition of the system's bit.

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