How to find out the computer's network card

How to find out the computer's network card

Computer network card (Ethernet adapter, Network-Adapter) is needed in order to receive an Internet signal. It happens built into the motherboard and removable. Knowledge of the network card brand is necessary to replace it or install drivers. Where to find a network card computer, we will tell in this article.

The easiest way to find out the Internet adapter and does not harm the computer - through the device manager. Log in in it in different ways. First consider the fastest. So, click on the "Computer" icon twice on the desktop or go through the Start menu in the same section. Opened window with hard drives. Now they do not interest us. Rising look up the screen to the blue stripe. We see the buttons, among which the "system properties", press it.

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A window of information about the system appeared, having studied which, learn about the main characteristics of your computer. And now click the "Device Manager" key, located in the upper left corner. The coveted window has opened, where you can see all parts of the computer.

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The second way to enter the dispatcher - through the control panel. Click "Start" and click on the "Control Panel" button. Splashes a new window where we click "Equipment and Sound".

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In the first tab - devices and printers - we find the "Device Manager" button and click. The long-awaited window has been opened. Among the list of names are looking for "network adapters", click on this line. The list of installed means for connecting to the Internet opens. These include not only the network fee, but also built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth. Often network card manufacturers "REALTEK" and "Atheros".In any case, look for a device where there is text. "PCIE CONTROLLER".

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You can find out all the information about the Ethernet adapter using a special team. To do this, hush the buttons Win + R., then enter "CMD" and press OK.In the window that appears, write a team "IPCONFIG / All" and Zhmem. ENTER.All data on network devices are displayed on the screen. Look for item Ethernet adapter.The "Description" line will be the full name of the network card. When working with the command prompt, be careful. Entering another team may hardly affect the "health" of the computer.

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If the computer refuses to collaborate and does not show a network card, you will have to extract it and inspect. This method is relevant only for desktop computers. On the board you will find a sticker with the title, enter it in the search engine. To "see" the device and connect the Internet, install the drivers. Go to a friend and download software to the model of your network card. Use only the official sites of manufacturers.

You can learn about all the details of the laptop or computer using programs. "Everest" and "AIDA64". On the Internet these software in free access. We use "Everest" Open the program, in the "Menu" field of the scroll bar, select the "Network" string, then "Windows Network". Information about the network card and other Internet modules appears.

Znіmok Ekran 2015-03-27 20.28.59

It turns out that the computer's network card is quite simple. Using this manual, you will quickly find the necessary information.

Comments leave a comment
Isa. 05/05/2017 at 9:32.

Of course you can. Are you pregnant without connecting to the Internet?

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mila 16/05/2017 at 14:54.

you are super. Thank. Class. Good if I'm new

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