How to find out the computer's RAM

How to find out the computer's RAM

Any user of a personal computer (PC) or a laptop will sooner or later have a need for information on how much in its RAM device (RAM) and what kind of type it is. The easiest way to know is to open the user manual (Owners Manual) to your PC or laptop. But what if such an important document is missing for any reason? This check can be carried out both by standard Windows tools and specialized application programs.

The first way will consider on the Windows XP database. For the remaining OS, everything is about coincide. Go to the "My Computer" section. Then we find in the left part of the window "View system information" window and make a click on it. One window opens in which we must go to the "General" section. It is in it in the "System" section there is a cherished line with data on the installed RAM (RAM).

You can also see memory by activating the "Task Manager" by the combined press of the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys. The task manager window appears. At the top of the dispatcher there is a "Speed" tab. Click on this bookmark displays a number of characteristics of the current state of your PC (laptop). We find the "Physical Memory" section and see the total amount of the installed RAM and its current loading.

The most complete information is not only about the volume, but also the type and current state of RAM can be obtained using specialized application programs. For example, such as AIDA64. The program is very powerful, with its help you can get almost any information about your PC (laptop) and processes in it. But we will consider only the procedure for determining RAM (RAM). Run the AIDA64 program. In the window that opens, select the "System Board" section and make on the click icon. In the drop-down list, select the "Memory" section and see all the information about the operational memory of your computer. Moreover, by making a click on the "SPD" icon, you will get a complete information about the number of installed RAM modules, their type, manufacturer. Up to serial number.

Well, finally, you can simply open the system block of the personal computer or the protective cover of the laptop memory modules and read the technical information directly on the RAM modules. The method is applied when your device categorically refuses to work, and the information about RAM needs to know urgently.

We hope that these available tips will allow you to cope with the simple task of determining the volume of RAM and its type without any special problems.

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