As emphasized to be subject

As emphasized to be subject

When children go to school, the parents begin another difficult period in their lives, because they are not interested in children and explain everything to them - this is not the task of simple. Russian language seems simple only to adults. For children, it is very complicated, because there is so much incomprehensible for them. Let's talk about today and how to emphasize it.

Main members of proposals

At first it should be noted that in Russian there are two types of suggestions, some of which are unprosted. Others on the contrary - common. For the child to be clearer, you can tell you that the proposals are common, these are those. Where there is a description of something, refinement, etc. Last year's snow fell yesterday to Earth - this proposal is essentially common.

If it looked like this - snow fell, it would be unprosted. Because besides, there are no other words and parts of speech. If the child and it will be difficult to understand, then pay attention to the number of words in the sentence. The more owls in it, the greater the likelihood that it is common.

Now it is necessary to go to the main members of the sentence. If it is easier to speak, then these members are words about which there is a sentence. The main word, which will be discussed in any of the proposals, is called to be. When you found out this word, ask a question for it - "What does?" And the word that will answer this question and will be called a lean.

When you found the main members of the sentence, it is necessary to deal with how they are correctly emphasized - the word noun is emphasized by one not a thick solid line (it is better to do it with a pencil), but the fault is also - also, only the lines will be two - one under the other.

There is nothing easier - it might think every parent, but for children it is all very difficult. You do not need to be nervous and worry, just try to find the right approach and words so that the child becomes clearer.

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