How to scare away birds

How to scare away birds

No summer cottage or garden do without birds - excellent creatures that are constantly twitched, fluttering on the branches of trees. However, each gardener knows that the birds are actually a big problem, since with the arrival of autumn, these cute "singers" turn into real predators who harm harvest. Especially the ripe berries and the fruits of trees, for example, cherry, cherry and other "delicacies". Therefore, any dacket simply needs to create certain conditions in order to maintain its works in the form of a whole harvest. Let's see which there are methods to scare birds.

There are many ways to combat feathers. The most popular can be attributed to:

  • Imitation of a predator (scarecrow, cry, loud sounds);
  • Use of special devices (ultrasound, water irrigation, bright outbreaks);
  • Fencing from the site (barbed wire, grid, etc.);
  • Bantice trees (or applying a fraction);
  • Blocking a place for nesting birds.

The most common way to scare birds is scarecrow. As a rule, it resembles a human appearance, and it is easy to make it yourself. To do this, you will need:

  1. Old clothes;
  2. Straw;
  3. Logs or boards;
  4. Cotton;
  5. Pillows;
  6. Hammer, nails.

In addition, you can use other remedies, such as tin cans, CDs, mirrors, foil and other brilliant items. Connect the wooden sticks crosswise, secure them in the middle of the nail and wrap a scotch tape sovereign or rope. Then put on the "head" stuffed, after preparing it in the form of a pillow with a hay. Next, proceed to the body. To do this, you will need old clothes: a jacket with trousers or dress. And in conclusion, you can decorate scarecrow with a hat or other elements at your discretion.

Special networks are sold in horticultural stores, which summer residents are actively used for the purposes of scaring birds. For this, the network is attacked on a tree or bush, thereby releasing the fruits from hungry predators. In addition, you can deceive the feathered with a conventional fur hat, which is placed on the tree branch. Surprisingly, the birds are afraid of this, taking a headdress for a fluffy cat.

Perhaps the most effective method of combating bird pests is the use of special devices that imitate bird screams, warning them about danger. To date, this is the most humane method of scaring birds.

Sades often use special devices that create an ultrasound or a bright flash - they are absolutely harmless to humans, but Birds bring great discomfort, which forces them to leave the territory. There are gas guns that create loud cotton, which also does not like the pennate. Listed devices are effective in the fight against pests, however are not the cheapest option. In addition, birds have the "adapt" property to all the conditions, which reduces the effectiveness of all waste.

If the birds have long been located on your site and the nest there - all of the above methods will be absolutely useless. For example, pigeons and sparrows love "secluded" places, so you need to prevent preventive work in advance. Special attention should be paid to the attic, roof, shed and close all the existing gaps and niches.

Now, your knowledge has been replenished on how to fight delicate birds, which so mercilessly spoil the harvest. Use certain methods alternating them or making comprehensively. If you can not decide which method to apply, start with a small one - get a pet, birds are very afraid of cats and dogs.

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Leonid 07/15/2016 at 1:29.

So we took advantage of such a special device - the Ultrasonic Pegasus Sititek repel to get rid of birds. We succeeded quite quickly, let's hope that for a long time.

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Matvey 14/03/2018 at 21:13

And what area does your Sititek bird scarecher affect? It can be used for a vegetable garden or is it more reliable to make such stuffed?

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