How to open a closed tab

How to open a closed tab

Accidentally close the page with important or interesting information? Do not be discouraged, in the functional Internet browser provides a kind of roll back to previously perform the action. Let's consider in more detail how to open a closed tab in the popular Google Chrome browser on the example of Windows 7.

To return to the place tab in Google Chrome (Google Chrome), click the right mouse a button at the top of any open vkladochke and select the context menu "Reopen closed tab."

Or, use hot-keys keys: «Ctrl» + «Shift» + «T», and give the menu. By the way, this combination makes it possible to open the closed pages (tabs) in many web-browsers.


If you've recently closed multiple tabs and want to recover the entire list, please contact via the toolbar in the main Google Chrome's Settings menu and select "Recent tabs".

Another option - is to find previously viewed tabs (pages) in the browser history. How do you know the history of visited sites - read here.

Considered in this guide a simple operating principle to restore the last closed tabs is applicable to virtually all the rest of the Internet browser.

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