How to close the tab

How to close the tab

It would seem that it could be easier to close the tab in the browser? But sometimes there are non-standard situations, and the computer completely refuses to perceive the teams.

In the usual situation to close an unnecessary tab, you should hover the cursor to the cross in the right upper corner and click the left mouse button.

1 Sam

You can close the tab using the keyboard. With the unfolded tab, press the "CTRL" and "W" key at the same time. The tab will immediately disappear.

2 Sama

You can click on the Right Mouse tab and select "Close tab" in the Opening menu.

3 Sam

However, sometimes the browser begins to "capricious" and does not want to perform any commands, including and close the tabs. Next, consider the recommendations on the example "Opera". Try to close the tab using the middle mouse button (if available) or by pressing the wheel. Such an option may also come in handy: press "SHIFT" and click at this time on the tab. If the tab contains an icon in the form of a lock, it is blocked from accidental closure. First, it should be unlocked. Click on the Right Mouse tab, select "Remove Lock" or "Unlock the tab". Then she can easily close.

4 photos

If no actions help close the tab, it may be "fossil." In this case, you will have to restart the browser. If the computer does not respond to your actions, open the "Task Manager". To do this, you can click simultaneously "CTRL" + "delete" + "alt" or clap on an empty gray field at the bottom of the screen (where the Start button is located) and select "Task Manager". Browse the browser status. If it is indicated "does not respond", you must click "Remove the task".

5 Sam

Now you know how to close the tab, even if it "hung up."

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