How to speed up the work of the browser

How to speed up the work of the browser

Fast download speed of the web browser web browser or browser, as it is still correctly called, is the dream of all Internet users. However, not all of them know that the speed of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, etc. depends not only on the Internet connection. Let's look at some moments helping to speed up the work of the browser.

To begin with, set the latest version of the Internet browser. It's easy, it is enough to dial a search query with the name of your browser to the search string of Yandex - for example, enter Google Chrome (in Russian) and find from the official site that has opened list. Next, download the chrotesetub.exe file to the PC, install the updated Google Chrome, run it and actually everything.

If you have a completely new web browser version, the reason for slow work can be hidden in software add-ons (extensions) or plug-ins (plug-in modules) that have been installed with the updated version. Delete unnecessary extensions through the "Settings" in the "Expansion" window by pressing the small basket to the right of the name.

Disconnect the plugins that are not going to use. To get into the window with installed plug-in modules, printed the "About: plugins" command in the Google Chrome address bar. If you doubt the correctness of the choice, experiment, in any case, it will be possible to return everything back - i.e. turn on.

If the above methods have not accelerated the work of your browser, immediately clear the history of the browser - call the History window by pressing the keyboard keys "Ctrl" + "H" and carry out the necessary manipulations. Also do not forget to clean the cache and remove cookies.

The impressive number of bookmarks (Bookmarks) can prevent the browser speed, however, in very rare cases, but in order not to think, move the order in the "Bookplan dispatcher" window, removing all the old and unnecessary. Press the key combination "Ctrl" + "SHIFT" + "O", holding the "CTRL", select all unused bookmarks and remove them.

We looked at some popular and effective methods to combat the acceleration of the browser on the example of Google Chrome. In a situation where "nothing helped" from the above items, try scanning a computer for malicious programs.

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