How to dry the swamp

How to dry the swamp

Wetlands - a serious problem for dachens. Before doing the improvement of the site and vegetable garden, the soil will have to drain. There are several ways to do it.

Dock the trenches. If the terrain is such that water cannot naturally leave the area after the rains or melting of snow, you need to create an artificial bias. To do this, dig a few trenches with a slope in one direction. These trenches are connected to one and display a ditch or water collection tank. At the bottom of the trenches, fall asleep sand or crushed stone and laid drainage pipes. The collected water can be used for watering or other technical needs.

Create a drainage system. When water is stood on the plot due to severe clay soil, build drainage systems. To create such a system, special knowledge will be required and accurate calculation. Perhaps the best way out will appeal to professionals in this area. With an independent drainage system, make up the layout of drainage pipes. Purify the trenches for them, put on the bottom of the sand or crushed stone, lay the pipes, connecting them with each other with the help of couplings, pour sand and rubble, and on top of the soil. The whole system should have a bias towards the future drainage well, ditch or natural watercourse.


Build decorative reservoir. The device of artificial reservoir, the pond is based on one of the above methods of dedication of the soil. It follows the reservoir in the lowest part of the site where the soil and rainwater will be drainaged by drainage pipes. Showing a certain proportion of fantasy, you can create an artificial pond that will become a highlight of the country area. Depending on the degree of purity of the collected water, in the pond you can breed fish or even swim.

Plant a tree. If the lining of the drainage system, you can not afford, save the land from waterlogging moisture-loving plants and trees - birch, willow, maple, wild rose, hawthorn. Their root system is actively and in large quantities consume water that quite successfully promotes the drainage of the soil where they grow. In addition, many varieties of these trees are very decorative, they will decorate your country site. In addition, plant moisture-loving flowers: irises, primula, Globe, loosestrife.

Select the method of drainage of the soil depends on many factors - soil composition, topography, groundwater depth, and, of course, of your ability. A good result is obtained with a combination of several options.

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