How to dig a fish pond

How to dig a fish pond

The pond is a water, which is created artificially and is used for breeding freshwater fish. The dream of any fisherman has such a lake, and so that there is not only fishing there, and you could still have to buy with relatives and friends. There are many options for creating water bodies with their own hands. Let's find out exactly how to dig a pond.

For fish breeding there are reservoirs of four species: carved, spawning, wintering, exulting. By type of bottom - artificial, natural. Ponds with a natural bottom to dig up easier, the main thing is to choose the location and make the strengthening of the slopes and the shores.

The territory for the reservoir with fish is selected by the following factors:

  • It is desirable that the river flows, stream or have close underground sources nearby.
  • Well, if there is a ready-made lowland, in the absence of one there will have to dig meat.
  • Placing a reservoir, take into account that in the morning until noon it should be under the rays of the sun. And from 12 to 15 hours in the shade. Thanks to this, the fish will not suffer from the lack of oxygen.
  • Consider the composition of the soil. After all, the sanding bottom passes water, and this leads to her leak. Therefore, you have to put in the pit film And on top of the layer of land. And the natural bottom of the clay is the best waterproofer. And it is enough so that in the soil it was present only 30-35%. To determine the shares of clay or the loam in the ground, take sample.
  • It is important to make water analysis in SanEpidemstation. It should not contain harmful chemical elements: chlorks, methanol and others. Otherwise, the breeding of fish may be problems.

The size of the reservoir and the form can be different, it all depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe allotted area and the preferences of the host. The maximum depth of the pond can vary from 1.5 to 3 meters. The bottom of the pit is Multi-level - near the coast 0.5 meters, a little further than one meter, closer to the middle of the reservoir - 1.5-3 meters. Preferably, the shores are gentle. Spend work on clearing the original area, remove the garbage, branches, stumps. And strengthen the shores by stone, tile or other building material. If there is not a number of water source, then you will have to download from wells or other sources - Provide a predetermination of this problem. In the arid summer, the water swap may need. Also undesirable and flooding a pond, in which case, make an open drainageso that the excess water flows.

For small country ponds, shallow (1-2 meters) are used with an artificial bottom. The base can be pouring concrete, 400 brands, or use a waterproof film, pressed with stones on top. Before filling with water, the bottom was washed several times. Then poured on the bottom of the clay. Only after that poured water. Then let the water filled with a reservoir dismounts two or three weeks. Moreover, in the case of using water from the water pipeline, in two weeks, natural bacteria populate, gaining water from the river. Then plants are planted. Only a month later they produce fry fish. If the depth of the reservoir meter, then the wintering of fish will be not easy in it, it is better to move it into home aquariums.

For the inhabitants of the reservoir is very important aeration, vegetation and timely cleaning of the bottom from il. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account which algae can harm the fish, for example, specialists do not recommend the use of ripples in the pond, ordinary bubbles, Elday Canadian, reed, etc. They not only clog water, but also are sources of diseases for humans and pets.

Drop the pond independently - it's not a complex, but time consuming. For digging a large reservoir will need special technics, on your own, make a pit no way.

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