How to limit access to sites to children

How to limit access to sites to children

The computer provides a person with many features: it is used as a workforce, provides interesting leisure, helps in learning. But when it comes to the use of a computer by a child, security goes to the fore.

So that the child could not see in the Internet "Adult Content" - pornographic scenes, brutal materials, obscene vocabulary - you need to install a special program to the computer restricting children's access to dangerous sites (for example, Zillya). It can be downloaded for free on the Internet by address. This will avoid total control over the child, will retain a certain freedom of action, but will protect against unnecessary information. There are also means in comprehensive applications, such as Kaspersky Internet Security, Norton Internet Security.

When using Windows Vista, you can use the built-in facilities of parental control. For a child, a separate account is created. Then go to "Start", "Control Panel", "User Accounts", "Setting Parent Items". By choosing a user for which restrictions are created, you need to click "On" in the Parental Control group. Windows Vista allows you to control not only the use of the computer (it is blocked access to dangerous sites, programs, games), but also the time that the child spends at the monitor. In addition, you can prohibit downloading files if there is such a need.

The average level of protection (installed by default) filters the sites dedicated to drugs, weapons having pornographic contents, obscene vocabulary. You can also add sites about cigarettes, alcohol, gaming games and those content that is not automatically determined (user levels of protection) to prohibited categories. The highest level of protection allows you to ensure the access of the child only to those sites that are indicated as children's.

In addition to automatic filtering, you can manually create a white, black list of sites (it will work independently of filtering settings). It is very convenient, since the filter can not always work. To do this, include the activity tracking feature that will save the addresses of all sites viewed by the child. If the list shows a unwanted site, it will simply need to add to the blacklist.

The Kaspersky Internet Security 7 program also has a "Parental Control" module. The profile "Parent" allows you to freely use the Internet, and the "child" profile has limitations specified in the settings (drugs, cruelty, erotic, pornography, weapons, obscene vocabulary, gambling, mail, chat). In addition, you can create a black list of manually, limit the time of use of the Internet (the daily rate is installed). Unfortunately, to limit the time of the child's stay at the computer as a whole in Kaspersky Internet Security 7 there is no possibility. To do this, you need to install an additional program - "Cybermam" (it allows you to create a separate schedule for everyday life, weekends, holidays).

There are other programs that allow you to limit the access of the child to the Internet: KidsControl, Time Boss, others. However, parents still have to explain to the child why they establish restrictions, which can lead a long stay at a computer than it is dangerous.

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