How to block the site on the computer

How to block the site on the computer

Sometimes it becomes necessary to block viewing some particularly selected site from your computer. Particularly familiar with this problem, those who have children who use the Internet. By changing the "hosts" file, you can at least partially achieve control over the Internet surfing of your children. Before carrying out the following actions, it is better to temporarily disable antivirus.

To edit a file better to have administrator rights. To start, a notebook opens ("Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard"), in the English version called NotePad. Using the right mouse button, the context menu is launched, where you need to select "Run on the administrator name".

In the notepad opened, go to the "File" menu - "Open", in the "Document Type" line, select "All Files", and enter "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ etc" in the file name row. To open the desired directory. Open the HOSTS file.

After opening the file, you can enjoy it. For example, to block access to the site of classmates at the end of the file fits "" in one line. The digital address is an internal ip-address of the computer, and is the site address, which you want to prohibit access. You can enter any number of addresses.

Next requires a reboot of a computer. Sites are blocked. How does it work? The fact is that you have prescribed a new compliance with the IP address and the site name, and when you enter the address of the site classmates in the browser, the computer will contact yourself that it completely solves the task.


Attention! Some sites use the so-called redirect, that is, forwarding. This means that you can go to the site using several addresses different from each other. In this case, the "hosts" file needs to be inscribed all options.

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