How to download the game Counter Strike on a computer

How to download the game Counter Strike on a computer

Download the game Counter Strike is quite simple. But many users have problems unpacking and installing files. You can download the program yourself, after reading the simple tips.

Go to any tracker and enter in the search string "Counter Strike". A list of programs you can download will appear. Choose one of them. If your plans include a local network game, select the BILD version. Carefully read the instructions for this version and make sure it is suitable for your operating system. Before downloading, be sure to install the antivirus so that it blocks the malicious files. You can download the game from other, third-party resources, but be prepared for extortion of money and downloading an infallible version.

Often games on the tracker are presented in the form of virtual disk images. To take advantage of these images, you must have a virtual DVD. The most popular utility for its creation is Daemon Tools and Alcohol 120%. The first program is free. After installing it, restart the computer. You will see a new drive on the tray - a zipper icon. Click on it with the left and button and select "No Data".

A window will open in which you will be offered to choose the downloaded image of the game. Select it and click Open. Now he does not differ from the usual disk. Just follow further instructions. If you want to remove the icon from the drive, click "Unmount all drives". If you downloaded the game without a virtual disk image (you read about this in the description of the tracker), simply open the downloaded folder and start the "Setup" file. A window will open with the installation master, which will tell you what to do next.

If the installed game does not start, try to download another version. Probably, your version contains files with errors, or antivirus without your knowledge blocked malicious files, so the program downloaded without them. If you want to play on the local network, make sure that the Internet works properly. In the game menu, select the "Network game" and "Local Network" or "Internet". Open the "Game Room" point and install the necessary settings. Click "Start".

If you downloaded Counter Strike for free and want to play online, you will need a Garena utility, which can be downloaded on any tracker. After installation, run the program, in the menu on the left, select the game "Counter Strike" and the "Europe" location, in which the Russian Room is located. Go to the settings and set the appropriate parameters.

Click "Overview" and open the folder with the COUNTER STRIKE program installed. Select the file "HL" and open it. In the "Startup" string, enter "Game CStrice" and save the changes. Turn on the game using the utility and click on the "Start". Now you can play for free on the network.

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Do not forget to update the program. To do this, there are patches - utilities that will update the version of the game and make it more convenient for the game. You can download patches on any tracker. When installing, place the patch in the folder with the already downloaded by the Counter Strike game. Restart the computer and check if everything works correctly. To automatically update files, the AUTO UPDATER CSS program exists.

The described instruction will help you avoid possible errors and incorrect file installation. Now you can download the COUNTER STRIKE game yourself and even play online.

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