How to block the site in the opera

How to block the site in the opera

It is no secret that staying on the Internet can be strongly overshadowed with all sorts of "garbage" in the form of unnecessary sites and obsessive advertising. It is not surprising that there is a strong desire to get rid of them. Especially if children often enjoy the computer. We will tell you how to block a website or part of its contents in the opera browser.

To block the download of a specific site in Opera, first go to the browser menu. Here are the "Tools" and go to the "General Settings" section. You can get into this section by another by typing the CTRL + F12 key combination.

Already in "Settings", select the "Extended" tab. In this tab, more precisely in its left column, find the "Content" item, click on it and go to the virtual button with the inscription "Blocked content".

In the window that opens, enter the site address or multiple sites, which you want to close. After that, confirm your intention by pressing ok. Now every time someone tries to open this site (or sites), the opera will issue a warning that this web address is blocked.


There is a way to block in Opera not the entire site, but only some of its items. To carry out such partial blocking, go to the site you need and exit the "Block content" through the right mouse button. After that, at the top of the open page, the content lock panel will appear. Now just click on the content of the site that bothers you. The result of your actions will appear on the marked elements of the red line with the mark "blocked". When you block everything you need, on the lock panel, click "Save". Now the unwanted contents of the site will not be visible.

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You can block the site and other way - through the "HOSTS" file on the PC itself. You can find it on the S. S. on it to go to the Windows folder, and in it - to the "System32" folder. Locate the folder with the drivers ("Drivers"), where to select the "ECT" folder. In it and the file "Hosts" file is located.

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Through a double click on the found file with the name "hosts" you will get into the program window. Here are the "Notepad", select it and click "OK". At the bottom in the string enter the IP address and via the node name of the unwanted site. You can enter your PC IP address.

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Remember that the above methods (except for blocking through the HOSTS file) will block sites or their elements only in the Opera browser. On other search engines such blocking does not apply.

Comments leave a comment
Richard. 09/30/2016 at 17:08

I Like What You Guys Tend to Be Up Too. SUCH CLEVER WORK AND COVERAGE! Keep Up The Very Good Works Guys I'm Incorporated You Guys To My Personal Blogroll.

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kevnapg 30/12/2016 at 8:06.

Did not help. Apparently another version of the opera.

To answer
Geon 09/12/2017 at 13:26

Outdated. The new opera no longer contains this super-sexy tool. Globalized, apparently. Either you are with them, or Kotsy you. Such "Damocrats".

To answer
Ocelot 20/01/2020 at 17:30

Unable to understand this! 😟 Wherever you know, we are talking about some old versions of the opera - there are no tabs in the settings in the settings in risen, and others names.
And after all, these are the very first links - with already outdated information (((((Is it really there is no such topic on a new opera!?

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Sarafat. 11/12/2020 at 11:18.

e Gandon Bly

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