How to communicate with Alice?

How to communicate with Alice?

Assistant from Yandex named Alice immediately displaced all this similar mobile helpers. This virtual assistant very quickly mastered the irony, a sense of humor and the ability to support any conversation. You can use Alice to search for questions you need, to create a route and many other tasks. Communicate with the assistant is very simple and easy, make sure that yourself.

How to ask Alice questions?

The first thing you have to encounter is with the wording of your questions for Alice. It is worth considering that all of them must be clearly supplied and straight, do not contain unnecessary designs. Also, you may be unusted an assistant interface, but in a couple of minutes you will get used to him.

As soon as you open any application from Yandex, then you will find a purple microphone icon - this is Alice. Just click on it to start chatting.

When the microphone turns into a purple circle with white in the middle - there is a clogging of sound, that is, when you see such a badge, you need to talk. Alice itself reacts to loud sounds and begins to record speech as soon as you finish, the assistant will turn off the recognition itself.

Periodically you can see the tips on the screen with already formed phrases. If you see the appropriate - just click on it. The easiest thing is to ask everything directly, or ask a specific question: "What do you know how?".

Alice will immediately show you a small list of your features that you can immediately have and try.

Also, there is a help button below if you are confused in functions.

The assistant very quickly responds to your direct questions: about the weather, places nearby, GPS navigation or search on the Internet, also, you can simply talk to a virtual friend, saying the phrase "Let's chat". Then Alice will answer you in your own words, and not search queries from Yandex.

Sometimes, after your questions, clarifying prompts that you may need will appear.

If you start your question from the design "What ...", Alice will redirect you to the Yandex browser so that you independently read the answer.

As you can see, working with the assistant is very simple, he will tell you any actions.

How to inform Alice about the error?

It may also happen that an error occurred in speech recognition occurred, for example, there were not those words on the screen that you said, or Alice answered them a completely nepouquate. Then you just just tell her about it.

After the error, click on the message itself, two emoji will appear below: thumb up and down. Send thumb down to report inaccuracies.

Immediately Alice will enjoy, and you will see several answer options from below: among them you can find rudeness and insult, poor speech recognition, bad assistant answers. You can enter your answer option.

Select the desired option, and support will surely take into account your remark.

After that, you can continue to communicate with Alice, it will definitely apologize and Ironically mischievous.

How to enter text from the keyboard?

Of course, it is not always convenient to talk to the phone, especially if you are in a noisy place. At this case, Alice has input from the keyboard. Lay in the lower left corner, the keys icon and click on them. Now you can ask questions, just typing them. You can return to voice input at any time.

Alice settings?

The assistant has not so many settings, all of them are in the upper right corner of the screen. In the drop-down menu, you will find cleaning the search history and feedback form. If you want to refer to the developers, then click on the appropriate option in the menu.

You will immediately find yourself on the page with a small form, filling out which you can send a remark or wish to technical support for Yandex.

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