In the second half of the summer, many dew drops in the morning, rains are rapidly, as a result of which the crop turns the attack of phytoophulas. This fungal disease attacks the plant during the ripening period of the fetus, thereby destroying the harvest. To combat fungus, you need to competently select ways of deliverance.
The origin of phytoofluorosis
The fungus amazes the ground through the fruits. Disputes can be active for several years. It is transferred by seeds or seedlings, and since it is resistant to chemicals, it is very hard to fight him.
It is also difficult to protect plants from phytoofluorosis. Even the most high-quality sowing material and properly prepared soil will not protect against the disease. For reproduction, several disputes listed by the wind. The phyotophtor loves increased humidity and temperature below 15 heat, so the activation of the fungus begins in August.
You can get rid of the disease with the help of a complete spraying of culture, but during this period, fruits are matured. In addition, chemicals will negatively affect the taste characteristics. This is the difficulty of fighting the phytoofluoro. The phytophtor is caused by parasites by oomycetes. This class of lower mushrooms is able to withstand low temperatures, so winter in the affected fruits or tops. Also, the disease remains on inventory, which is not processed properly, but is transmitted through water, patients with fruits, air.
Soil processing methods
The universal method of combating phytoophluorosis does not exist. To protect the land from fungus, you must eliminate comfortable conditions for nutrition and reproduction of microorganisms. For this reason, before disinfection of the soil, it is necessary to endure all the tops and the affected tubers outside the garden.
Places with sick note cultures on beds with wooden pegs, and burn the tops. It is not recommended to bury the stems and tubers affected by the fungus, because the pathogens multiply rapidly, and this can lead to an epidemic.
Recommendations for decontamination:
- Expose the remains tops off-site and burned.
- Dig and loosen the soil.
- Cultivate the land with copper sulfate or boiling water.
- Two weeks later, pour the biological product in the case of warm weather.
- In the spring season to repeat the watering biologic.
Fighting chemicals
- Copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture. This is the most well-known and effective means to combat late blight. Decontamination fall consists of irrigation solution with calculation sulfate 100 g water bucket, or Bordeaux mixture (in a bucket of water is 200 g). Eliminate the epidemic will square meter processing 1 liter of solution.
- Fungicides that contain copper - "Horde", "HOM". These drugs are rarely used because their price is high enough and use them directly to the crop plants. The effect of fungicides from the same solution of copper sulfate.
Formulations which include copper involve destruction of pathogens, but also useful microflora. In addition the substance can accumulate, whereby the copper concentration may be greater than normal.
preparations containing copper processing is performed 1 time in five years. Spot treatment can be applied 1% solution of copper sulphate, decontaminated rest of the low concentration. The procedure should be carried out after the soil is dug.
microbiological preparations
These funds do not have an accumulative effect, included in the composition of beneficial bacteria, and their selection does not bring harm to late blight:
- "Fitosporin-M." It refers to a new generation of drugs. Effective in fungal diseases of crops. One package is spent on 3 weave. For the preparation of the mother liquor to dissolve the contents into a glass of water. Spoon stir finished material in a bucket of water and poured over a bed (1 sq. M goes 1.5 L).
- "Trihofit". The preparation included the fungus Trichoderma, which parasitic disease and dissolves it. Thus allocated antibiotics that act on the soil. Funds can not be used on beds, which are fertilized with ash.
- EM-fertilizers (Baikal preparation). Recommended for use in early autumn or in the spring when the soil warms enough.
Plants that are grown to improve soil
White mustard cultivation or oilseeds on the affected area kills fungus. Plants enrich the soil with useful substances, so it is better to sow them before frosts. Before planting the culture, you need to mock the seedrates or squeeze the roots by 5 cm. The green mass turns into a mulch, and the roots are overloaded with the release of beneficial substances.
When growing cabbage after potatoes, it is impossible to use Siderats. You can sow a piece of rye, the roots of which disinfect the ground.
Defairing soil in greenhouse
After the harvest is assembled, you need to remove the top layer of the soil, then treated with boiling water or copper sulfate solution. The walls of the greenhouse are washed with chlorine. On the plot, decompose metal sheets with sulfur tablets or sulfur powder with kerosene. War and close for a few days. Halong the soil phytoosporin. Unheated premises leave open to freezing soil. Repeat the treatment of "phytoosporin-M" before planting.
On infected leaves, brown spots appear, which gradually die. First of all, the disease is striking the lower leaves and gradually moves up. Young and juicy shoots also suffer from the disease, while they dry in dry weather, and rot - in the crude. Soothes and inflorescences gradually dry out, and spots appear on the fruits. Gradually, they apply over the entire surface, the hardening and rotting of the fetus begins. As a result of this cunning pest, a large amount of harvest is lost.
To date, there are no drugs that can fully treat the territory. The above substances can reduce the development of microorganisms.
For effective struggle, it is necessary to apply a set of measures, including prophylactic measures and uninfection of the soil.