How to treat onions before planting in spring

How to treat onions before planting in spring

Properly processed onions before landing will not be damaged by pests and bring a rich harvest. And if you think that the bow can grow without more effort, then try to process it before boarding and make sure about the opposite.

Proper storage and preparation

  • Cooked onions dry. The one that from its seeds, store at a temperature of +18 degrees, be sure to warm up before disembarking.
  • Before planted into the ground, heat the onions at a temperature of +30 degrees. Large bulbs Warm 12 days, trifle - 9 days.
  • You can use in a different way - soak onions in hot water for ten minutes, then drop into a cold one for a similar time.

Processing and disinfection

  • To prevent diseases, bow disinfect. Before boarding, lower the material into the contents for 20 minutes (1 gram manganese Stir in a liter of water).
  • Another solution - 3 grams copper vitality Divide in a liter of water, so onions will not hurt.
  • Can process vegetable stimulators: Citovit, Biotin, Zircon. Thanks to them, the culture will become a resistant and faster will go into growth.
  • Treatment of Luca woody ash Saves culture from rot. Plus, this fertilizer is natural. 125 grams of ash dissolve in 2.5 liters of water, the bowway is lowered for five minutes. See for three hours, and then fall out.
  • Inexpensive way - resort to help Sololi.. To begin with drying onions for seven days at +25 degrees. Then handle in the mixture of three hours (2 tbsp. Salts on 2 liters of water). Rinse onions, dry, then you can land.
  • 3 grams selitra ammonia dissolve in a bucket of water, 15 minutes soak onions. Water take +40 degrees, warm.
  • Epin Extra Helps speed up the growth of the roots of the plant. Dissolve the capsule in water according to the instructions, immerse the onions in the way.
  • If you do not want to use drugs, because they are afraid of their impact on the bow, just leave it in hot water For 15 minutes.

During onion processing, do not use several ways at the same time. It will only harm him, and you will long expect germs. We advise you to decide in one way and remember that the quality of the bow will depend on the processing, and from care.

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