How to glue a self-adhesive film

How to glue a self-adhesive film

Self-adhesive film - universal and inexpensive material, the spectrum of the application of which is limited only by the fantasy and consists mainly in the decor of different types of surfaces. Externally is a dense roll, similar to standard wallpaper, but differs significantly in characteristics. Let's talk about what a glue-based film is intended for and how to glue it actually?

Advantages of adhesive-based film

The advantages that self-adhesive film possesses:

  1. In the process of installing the film, special equipment is not required, and with a sticker on furniture - pre-alignment of the surface, special skills, so, in fact, even a child will cope with work.
  2. There is no need to apply glue on the surface, because it is already on the film.
  3. It is possible to stick the material on an absolutely any surface (glass, wood, iron, other).
  4. A variety of textures, colors, shades will be allowed to create unique interior and decorative solutions. Matte and glossy, transparent and no, with a pattern and monophonic, they will become indispensable assistants both during repair and in everyday life.
  5. In addition, to care for the surface of such a material is one pleasure! To eliminate contaminants, it is enough to wipe the film with a rare moistened in warm soapy water.
  6. But the most important advantage of the adhesive basis film is that you can transform the room beyond recognition for modest money. Nevertheless, it is not worth buying the cheapest among the building materials offered in the market, as well as trust unverified firms. During the low price, it is extremely rarely offered by a really high-quality product.

Application of self-adhesive film

Consider the main applications of adhesive-based film:

  • Traditional film function is to update the old furniture that has lost former beauty, and that it is a pity to throw away, whether it be scratched wardrobe, bedside worn under shoes or old table. Papered her film, it will look as good as new.
  • Self-adhesive, which imitates natural stone or ceramic tiles, ideal for updating the working area kitchen - apron, bar, table-tops, as well as the repair finishes in bathroom.
  • Adhesive film on the basis of the return of former luster, not only furniture, but also household appliances.
  • Self-adhesive film allows to recreate the label at the glass surface, whether it be a window or partition glass, stained glass effect, frost, visibility of etched or ground glass. This is especially true for the residents of the houses who have seen through the windows of all the contents of the apartment, and there is a need to protect their space from the view of passers-by.
  • Shabby door you will be able to transform, using this coating.
  • The resulting spot due to the actions of young artists on the wall successfully hide a small element of the film.

Preparatory work

Preparing the film label is performed in the following sequence:

  1. To work need scissors (knife), a pencil, a small cloth line, hair dryer, wallpaper glue.
  2. First you need to prepare the surface of the film under the label, removing dust, dirt and grease. Then the base is wiped with a clean cloth.
  3. Foundations for degreasing using any detergent or an alkaline solution. Then follows cause gasoline and alcohol, or to wait until the surface is dry.
  4. If you are dealing with a wooden surface made of plywood or board, particle board or plaster, it needs to be primed. For this use polyester varnish or methyl wallpaper adhesive.
  5. In the presence of cracks and unevenness plane need sanding with sandpaper and putty, subsequently covering the acrylic primer to provide quality of film adhesion to the substrate.
  6. If you need to stick to the self-adhesive plastic, glass, metal, it is recommended to moisten the foundation a little bit. Moisten surface pre water with detergent.
  7. When cutting the film into pieces guided on centimeter grid deposited on the reverse side of the fabric. It is necessary to put the layout, given the size of the working surface, and leaving a few centimeters in reserve.
  8. Crasing the film, it is worth considering its drawing. For example, stylized under the tile cut down the "seams". If the pattern with the rapport, then it is necessary to cut the coating solely on the front side. If you want to cut a specific drawing from self-keys, then pre-copy it to the wrong one and cut down gently.

Features of film stickers

And now let's talk about how to stick a self-adhesive film:

  • Take the patterns made of self-keys and remove the film from them.
  • Attach pieces of material to the working surface with a sticky side, to exactly the sizes of the surfaces of the film and the base.
  • Gently distributing the film on the surface, smooth and align it using a soft fabric, as you do when the wallpaper sticker so that bubbles are not formed inside.
  • When working with the surface of a large area, it is necessarily covered with wallpaper glue, and the film is glued to a wet base. Then it needs to carefully wipe the soft tissue dry.
  • If the film is almost instantly grasped tightly with the basis, as an assistant can use powder or talc to slow down the adhesion.
  • If in the process of film stickers, bubbles were formed, they should be neatly pierced, smoothing in the future.

Film dismantling procedure

Self-adhesive film with proper operation will serve for many years. But if she lost its original appearance, then it should be removed, because when attaching painting, the composition will not fall on it with a smooth layer, and it will not be pasted on top of a new film.

Let's talk, how to remove self-keys:

  1. Thoroughly moisten the film with warm water, leave to be soaked for a few minutes.
  2. With the help of a sharp item (knife, spatula), gently lift the edge and slowly pull on yourself. Where the film glued down with the surface strongly, helps a sharp item. Be extremely neat while working so as not to scratch the cleaned side.
  3. If warm water did not help, then use the usual hairdryer. Of course, if there is a construction, then work will be twice as fast, but the home and home is also suitable. You can take advantage of this purpose even with a fan with a warm air stream.
  4. Direct the heating object to the surface of the film. Under the action of heat glue starts behind.
  5. Good warm film Start ripple from the edge. Additionally, warm the places that are difficult to remove.
  6. The glue that remains on the surface, remove with special liquids (alcohol, petrol, solvents). Keep in mind that they can begin to interact with the material, so try to trim one that will not harm the cleaning object.

Thus, the use of self-adhesive film - the perfect solution when there was a desire to diversify the familiar surroundings of the room, to give new life to old objects, to show creative abilities in the creation of decorative elements, or have fun with your child.

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