How to do Peregazovka

How to do Peregazovka

Peregazovka must be done when there is no synchronizer in the transmission in the car. It is used when the speed is reduced. There is a large load on the engine and the box itself and to somehow make it easier to make it use.

Before turning, on the rise, when stopping, before overtaking, it is necessary to reset the gas and then squeeze the grip.

Including neutral transmission, you need to sharply press gas, this is the most increasing fuel supply. Thus, the engine speed is adjusted to values \u200b\u200bthat correspond to the maximum torque (this is approximately 1000-15000 rpm). In some cases, neutral transmission is not looped, and the gas pedal is pressed at low speed.

With a squeezed clutch, the reduced transmission switches, the pedal is smoothly released and is simultaneously pressed on gas.

With increasing transfer, the passage is not needed, it is enough just to squeeze twice the clutch: when switching to a neutral position and speed. On passenger and modern trucks, this type of gear shift is practically not applied.


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