How to turn in turn

How to turn in turn

The passage of turns is an integral part ride by car, which can be used to a certain extent to judge the driver's skill. Unlike other driving elements, such as starting from the place, switching gear and braking, the experience in which is acquired by experience, the passage of turns requires attention and concentration of both experienced drivers and newbies. Just a few simple rules will help you learn to quickly make a right decision and get rid of unpleasant surprises.

It is necessary to have at least basic knowledge of your car and its capabilities on the road. Machines with different type of drive and with different sets of auxiliary systems (power steering, EBC, TC, ABS, etc.) will behave differently in turn. In addition, it should be understood that the behavior of the car also depends on the quality and state of the brakes, tires, road surface, as well as its masses and speed.

When turning at the intersections, they occupy a series corresponding to the direction of rotation (if road signs do not prescribe the other). If you need to restructure, turn on the turning on, with the help of the mirrors, make sure that you do not interfere with anyone, and no one will hurt you; Only after that you can make a maneuver.

The speed of turning is determined, first of all, the angle of bending: it depends to a greater extent, as far as it is necessary to slow down. The general advice is to pay off the speed before entering the turn, switch to reduced transmission, and at the output of the turn to smoothly add gas and return the steering wheel to its original position. At the same time, it is necessary to remain within the limits of its travel strip.

In the turn it is very important to keep control over the machine. Do not forget that the front-wheel drive cars tend to a wider turning radius due to the greater coursework stability and the actions of the centrifugal force, and the rear-wheel drive - on the contrary, "strive" to a smaller arc radius. To do this should not allow:

  • inputs in a rotation with squeezed clutch or on neutral transmission;
  • step / intermittent braking;
  • sharp operation by an accelerator (for rear-wheel drive cars it is fraught with a breakdown, the front-wheel drive machines tend to demolish the front axle with the trajectory);
  • sharp turns of the steering wheel.

In case of loss of control in turn, it is recommended to use only the steering wheel and the gas pedal. At the same time, the steering wheel must be protected towards the drift, and the engine turnover smoothly increases - it will return the wheels with a road coating and control over the behavior of the car.

In general, the safety of turning depends on the correct and timely assessment of the road situation, the ability to predict the behavior of the car, based on its characteristics, and, of course, practices, including counters of contraloan driving.

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