How is the morpheme analysis

How is the morpheme analysis

In each general education or specialized school, students face morpheme analysis of the word. The second name of this task, more common, is the analysis of the words in composition.

Morphemes Wordes

To parse the word, it is necessary to determine the parts from which it is formed. Allocate the following parts of the word:

  • prefix;
  • root;
  • suffix and postfix;
  • the ending;
  • the foundation.

Imagine a sample of morphem parsing. We define, from which parts of the morpheme consists of the word "freakny" from the work of F. Abramova "Lark":

Define a part of speech words

First of all, it should be noted which part of speech in front of us. It should also be allocated, it varies or not.

The word "infertility" is the name of the adjective, variable part of speech.

Mark the end of the word and the basis

Determine the grammatical value of the end. We carry out the declination of the word: inefficious - infertility - infertility. In the process of changing the word, part of "AA" is converted. This is the end of the word. We highlight it in the square. This ending has a female genus, is in the nominative case and the singular.

The rest of the word is depicting as the basis.

Determine the root of the word

To find the root of the word, we find one-sided words: Probrusive - trick - cunning - sick. We compare the words and get the root of "chitr".

Select the prefix (prefix)

The designation of the prefix begins with the search for words with a similar prefix: Fastless - infinity - a mess - meaningless. Then in the word "infertility" prefix - demon. The value "demon" lies in the absence of something related to the analyzed word.

Determine suffix

We carry out actions from the previous point, but in this case we carry out the search for words with a similar suffix: Prospectful - trick - courage - wisdom. Suffix words - Ost.

Please note that there may be several suffixes in the Word. In the word "infertility" there is also a "H" suffix, which is used in various adjectives: Spring, indoor, forestry.

Detailed morpheme analysis should be performed strictly in accordance with the presented stages. You should always give an example of words with similar suffixes, roots and consoles.

The ability to properly carry out the morpheme analysis helps to understand the meaning of the word. Moreover, a detailed analysis contributes to the proper writing of the word or identify errors.


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