Why dream about owls?

Why dream about owls?

Our brains have not yet been studied, it remains a mystery to man, as well as its creation. Together, they "show" our dreams, sometimes even after waking leave an imprint in the memory. Let's now talk about what can dream owl and how to decipher a dream.

deciphering dreams

Immediately it should be noted that the details of sleep plays an important role in its correct interpretation, therefore, should always pay attention to color, word, circumstances, etc.

To dream of a bird, like an owl, a good sign, since it is considered interpret a dream in most dream books. Ahead, a man waiting for a whole range of positive developments. But this generalized interpretation, if we take into account all the possible details, its interpretation is not always so rosy and cheerful.

Much depends on the what color you saw an owl. Color of plumage is often a key element in the correct interpretation of the dream:

  • If you see in your dreams large white owl, then wait to you expect a date soon, and indeed fatal. This meeting with the person will change your outlook on life and everything in it was before I met him, so it is not far off the day. When you wake up in a completely different person. It should also be noted that the changes will be positive, so that offers great prospects.
  • In your dream you saw a large dark owl (blue or black), soon you will be a new stage in your life - rethinking. You will have to analyze a lot of information in order to understand the roots of their problems and choose a way to solve them. Maybe absolutely no need to change the point of view, but still have to think about all that uniquely.

The circumstances of the dream

To pay attention also worth and what is happening with the owl, it relates to you:

  • If you had a dream in which you hold an owl in the hands, it can be deciphered in different ways, depending on the emotions that you felt at the time:
  • If you panic, and you realize that keep bird is not as desired, then ahead awaits an event, you will not only not welcome, and very much frightened him, and will not know what to do in this situation, because previously, you have never had one.
  • If we keep the owl in the hands of you very much, and you have experienced the inexpressible happiness of this - it is a positive sign. Soon you will be able to get close to your family, friends and people you love, from which also will experience a real pleasure.
  • If past you flew owl, hitting you with its wing - is a warning that you are waiting for serious trouble that appear suddenly and because of betrayal by friends, so that should not be trusted not to people close to you their secrets, plans and secrets, because in ultimately, this may work against you.
  • If the owl sat shoulder to you, and you are absolutely not afraid of it, so good luck, joy and happiness will accompany you for a long time. You will forget about all the worries and troubles, problems solved by themselves, and even the effort to do so you do not have to make. This is a very good sign, so that the dream will bring a lot of joy, as in a dream and reality.

Dream Miller

On this dream book to see an owl in the dark (in my dream) - and the threat of danger. Problems will roll in one after the other, but at the same time, you will find the strength to cope with them, but to do so will not be easy.

  • If in your dream you hear the cries of owls, but, can not find it in the field of vision, then wait for the unpleasant and unexpected news.
  • If you dream that you are attacked by a large owl, in reality you will soon speaking as a victim. Even if you have always been a leader, and not a slave, suddenly you exactly what you get pass the one who seems to be a slave.
  • Ate in a dream you have to watch as the owl hunts small prey, in reality, you become accidental witness to the cruel injustice, and if you're brave enough to speak out against the offender, the probability of your winning is great.
  • If you dream you see through the eyes of an owl and a bear in its claws prey. In reality, you will be a real winner (this can affect your ability to live any industry). You will be accompanied by success and good luck everywhere and in everything.

See in your dreams tamed you an owl or something, how do you feed her, it means that in real life you will be enough strength and experience to cope with a serious problem, which did not give you peace of mind for a long time, and you do not understand how you can deal with it.

dream interpretation

If in your dream you saw the owl, which is peacefully sitting on a branch - a sign is not bad, but it is not a good. In reality, you sleep, that regards, as a result, to the not very pleasant consequences.

If you dreamed of an owl, which peacefully flying around you, without impeding your march, then in reality you have a patron who is watching you. your movement and keeps you out of trouble and problems.

As seen from the above information, the interpretation of a dream, where present owl may vary. Depending on exactly which role she came in a dream: good intentions or aggressive. owl is not too often comes in a negative role, most often, it's still a good sign.

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