What is the dream for?

What is the dream for?

If a nightmare is dreaming after watching some kind of horror, then there is nothing terrible in this, as they say, what you saw before bedtime, get in a dream. If the evil spirits dreams without any reason, you should think about the interpretation of such a dream. Let's figure out what the devil may dream about.

The interpretation of the dream

Damn, this is not a clown or a “other” creature that can dream for various reasons and have an ambiguous meaning. In this case, to see a bad sign in your dream, because there can simply be nothing positive about this, contrary to. Despite whether you believe in otherworldly forces or not, a dream with such a creature does not portend anything well, and it would be better, of course, to deal with its interpretation.

The nature of the sleep is quite serious, so that its decoding must be treated similarly. It doesn’t matter in what form he came to you in sleep:

  • huge
  • shaggy
  • small
  • kind
  • etc.

Even if you were not at all scared of a little devil, this does not mean at all that the dream is empty or positive, the only thing that his smile and size says, that he is insidious and mocking you.

Internal problems

The dream book says that the appearance of an unclean dream, a sign of the restless state of the one who dreams of this. Only in a dream sometimes, all the gutters of a person are revealed, those parties about which the person himself, in principle, did not know, become obvious.

To see in a dream a feature with all its “attributes” - horns, a shaggy tail, means to see in its pure form all your feelings, fears and emotional state, which “pops up” sometimes in the soul of a person, although he himself does not want to recognize as it were, as if , not believing in it.

In general, what side of this dream do not take, to see the devil is not good. It turns out that if in a dream the devil revealed all your negative aspects, be on the alert, because in reality from your temper, you will suffer, and very much.

If in a dream unclean sleeps sleeping, it means that the emotions raging inside will break out and bring a lot of problems and troubles.

If in a dream the devil runs away from you, is afraid of you, and you are chasing him all the time and trying to teach him, it means that you can overcome complex problems and get out of a difficult situation, and on your own.

Who dreams of the devil?

It is very important to pay attention to who exactly the dream under consideration has been dreamed:

  • If the devil dreamed of a modest man, it means that inside himself he hid the desire to possess all the qualities of the dreaming unclean - impudent, treachery, power.
  • The devil in a dream of a young woman means that she should be alert to her surroundings, people in it, because it is planned to “set up” in reality and provocations.
  • If in a dream the girls appeared even with huge horns, this is a harbinger of danger. You need to be careful and not allow a close to a wealthy man who will cause big problems in her life.
  • If a woman kisses the evil one, or hugs with him, wait for serious troubles and problems in reality, up to the threat of her own life.
  • Love with a damn thing in a dream - in reality, the girl will fall into the “trap” of an experienced and insidious man, and getting out of there will be completely difficult.
  • In the event that the devil appeared in a dream of a man who is in a state of love, in reality his lover will be able to seduce a cunning man, so that far from himself, you should not let go of his love and trust men near her, too.

Activities in a dream

An important element in the interpretation of the sleep under consideration is another factor, namely, what exactly did the devil in the dream:

  • If the farmer or the farmer dreamed of a devil who runs along his lands and next to his cattle - in reality, the farmer will have crop failure, most of the harvest will simply disappear, and cattle will fall.
  • If the devil dreamed of a man who in reality risks his life, for example. The rescuer or the guard is an unkind sign, and they should be extremely careful.
  • If a little feature sat down on your neck and overlaps you, a patient’s person should wait for a deterioration in his condition, and if he was completely healthy, his strength leaves him, the problems will begin to accumulate a large lump.

The size of the problems

If small devils have come to you in a dream, and run everywhere and everywhere, in reality your problems will be small, but very unpleasant, so get ready for the fact that your head will hurt from the fact that you will not know what problem to grab.

In a dream, they saw a huge feature with branching horns - your problem will acquire a real global turnover, so prepare for the fact that soon you will be engaged exclusively with the fact that you will try to solve one problem after another, and they will not be the end and edge.

  • If in a dream you fight with a damn, trying to destroy it or drive him away. You have strength in order to cope with future problems, so you may not worry about this.
  • If the gamer dreamed of a dancing devil, then the probability that he is very lucky in his field. Do not hope for fate too much, because she can suddenly turn back to you, and the bets will be great at that moment.
  • A dream about the line, as it became clear from the above information, rarely dreams of something good, so when you see such a dream, you should think about its meaning.

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