What dream to steal?

What dream to steal?

In a dream, what will not dream, sometimes you will see such - that the hair on the head end up. Let's figure it out today, what can theft can dream of in a dream, and that such a dream can be denoted.

Deciphering dream

In ancient times there was a whole cult of theft, because at that time this skill was considered skill, which may not be seized. It is for this reason that in many old dreams theft is associated with profit, success and success. Depending on what angle and under what circumstances a given process was dreamed, it would be possible to decipher this dream.

If we take into account modern dreams, then everything is a little different here. The fact is that today theft is not good, therefore, the interpretation of sleep is also deciphering far from a positive vein. Among other things, theft in a dream is a symbol of all your hidden desires, in which, in reality, sometimes, it is hard to confess even yourself.

There is also another option to sleep under consideration - a person is in a hopeless situation and because of this you have to take risky and not quite correct decisions.

If in a dream you saw concrete things that were stolen by you, it means that you need it in fact:

  • If this is a wallet - then your financial situation today is not the best
  • If you were stolen by some trinket, which means that in reality, you just lack attention from a close person.
  • If these are decorations, then you need pleasant surprises that have not received a long time ago.
  • If someone's personal thing was stolen, then in reality, you categorically lacking communication with some kind of specific person.

If in a dream you saw how the fact that once was stolen from you, it means, in reality, wait for compensation, and in a triple size.

Dream Stranger

In this dream interpretation of the decoding of the dream in question look and mean some other things:

  • If you watch in a dream, how the theft is taking something, it means that the scandals, squabbles and quarrels with people close to you are waiting for you, the causes of such conflicts can be misunderstanding, which is why the main thing in such a situation, try to explain your position, and It is not easy to diverge through different sides.
  • If, in a dream, a dream manages to return everything that he was stolen. So in reality, he will receive a reward, good luck will accompany him in all matters. If such a dream dreamed of a girl, then a good marriage awaits her soon.

  • If in a dream you stole paper bills, in reality it will be necessary to show yourself as much as possible and your abilities - a grip, dexterity, sharp mind and I.D. From how you show yourself, the result of your long-term efforts will depend on work.
  • If in his dream you saw yourself with a huge bag of stolen money, this suggests that no one knows about your real desires that leads to the fact that many life plans are not embodied in reality. It is necessary to manifest itself and not be afraid of talking about their own desires, because they have nothing wrong and criminal, and in reality, this person is not capable of theft, even if he really needs money.

Interpretation of sleep

  • Steal in a dream of jewels - a symbol of insecurity and resentment on someone. Sleep warns that it is right now you should revenge for all the evil and trouble that your enemies brought you, because it is exactly the time. When you are accompanied by luck everywhere and in everything.
  • They decided to steal gold in a dream in front of the crowd, it means that in reality you feel about your reputation too frivolous, which will lead in the future to the mass of problems and minor troubles, with which it will also have to cope with an extraneous help.
  • If the theft of the diamonds did not succeed in a dream - wait for trouble with the appearance, your plans are not fate to come true, at least in the near future, for sure. Although everything is happening, it is not worth upset and lower your hands. Because it is from the mood of a person depends on its success in any affairs.
  • If you have become a victim of theft. In reality, be alert, someone clearly wants to pull you into some kind of unpleasant scaffold, which is not very positive for you and your welfare.
  • If you have dreamed of theft to the thick gold chain, know that in your life there is a big responsibility, so get ready to carry this burden, and, on your own. No matter how you wanted, but to refuse or "blame" this responsibility on someone else, it will not clearly work out.

If in a dream, valuable things or paper were stolen from your safe, do not think that in reality your welfare is in danger. In fact, all your secrets are in danger, and you are aware that you have entrusted your fears and secrets are not a person.

In not observe. How do you steal something, not good. Because this dream warns that gossip and rumors around you will become even tougher. And you can not cope with it alone. You will only watch the "fall" in the eyes of your surroundings due to someone's fiction. The only correct solution in this situation resort to the help of their relatives, even if they are not too burning with the desire to communicate. In any case, they will not refuse to help you.

It is not good to steal, but in a dream everything happens completely differently, and the value of such a process is also different.

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