What dream of a blanket?

What dream of a blanket?

Unfortunately, we cannot choose the plots of our dreams, and therefore, we have to "look" what she shows our consciousness. Let's talk today about what a dream can know, in which the main subject is a blanket.

Interpretation of sleep

Psychologists are confident that our dreams actually help us know ourselves, our secret desires, in general, their soul. Psychics, Mages are confident that thanks to their correct decoding, we can prevent some events or at least be ready for them. It is determined to decipher your sleep, it means that it is better to do what the way to choose, and what to do, it is not worth it at all.

It cannot be said that the blanket is a positive or negative character, the forerunner of any events, because it all depends on the interpretation of sleep, the atmosphere in it, parts. Do not also forget about the participants who play an important role in the interpretation of any dream:

  • If in his dream you saw a very beautiful, warm and new blanket, in which you are noticed, and you can not leave him - a secret patron will come out of the shadows, and will give himself a felt, will manifest itself, and you can feel really happy. Behind the back of such a person, you will be behind the wall, your old dream will come true to find a real man and just happy.
  • If, in his dream, you dreamed of a dragon, dirty and shabby blanket, disappointment in real life will be simply inevitable. It should be noted that such a dream calls for something to change something in his life, because to go as "chicks" on the planned path, this is a recklessness that will not lead to anything good. It should be understood that the man himself is the Creator of his fate.
  • If in a dream you are watching how lying, covered with a clean blanket, success will accompany you in all your affairs. If you are covering a blanket of a loved one, then know what exactly you feel comfortable.
  • If you fail to select a blanket in a dream in a dream, wait for you soon, you will have to compete for a place under the sun, because the competition will overcome you, so to speak, on all fronts - personal life, work, creativity and etc.
  • If you are trying to take away a dirty and torn blanket from someone, it means that in reality, you pay too much attention to "someone else's lover" and exercise people in the personal life of people for you. It's time to stop doing it, otherwise soon, your excessive curiosity will turn against you.


Interpretations of the considered sleep in various dreams:

  • Give money for the blanket, it means that you independently invent problems yourself. You live in some negative world, and in fact, everything, the evil, which, allegedly, is near you, just your fictions. You must learn to enjoy life, everyone spent next to loved ones, and not think about what you can buy your happiness, comfort and comfort.
  • To steal the blanket in a dream, it means to purchase "imaginary" happiness in your life, which you tried to create in someone else's misfortune. The results of such behavior will be disappointing and the effect of the boomeranga will soon work soon, so expect that the karma will come true and you will suffer from your own atrocities. Be easier, try to be happy without failure someone.
  • If in your dream you lie under a duct blanket and feel pleasant warmth, you can overcome all the difficulties in reality, and easily, and feel comfortable, you are also accompanied by good luck and in the near future in your life everything will be fine.
  • In the dream, they decided to cover the blanket of an outsider man, which means in reality, you will spend your time on completely unnecessary things and affairs, as well as people who do not play any role in your destiny and to betray them at all.

  • Miller's dream book says that if you saw a blanket in your dream, on which there are stains, it means that similar "spots" will appear in reality on your reputation. Gossip around you may prevent the implementation of the planned plans, so it is worth taking care that the mouth is more often on the castle, and foreign people did not receive too much information about you and your personal life.
  • Old bedspread, which you are trying to hide in a dream - means betrayal from old friends, so it is worth being alert, and do not trust people around you, no matter how devoted they seem to you.
  • To cover someone an old, torn blanket - it means that in reality you try, your problems and things to "hang on the shoulders of another person", and ultimately, it will be the reward for their decisions, and you will remain with anything. Remember, all your problems need to be solved on your own.

  • As you know, red means related links, so if in a dream you remember the red blanket, it means, very soon you will be together with your relatives to solve some common problems and questions. Conflicts in this case can not be avoided, but the fact that your perseverance will play an important role - definitely.

In a dream, hidered under the blanket - your fears in reality do not give you the opportunity to achieve dreams, our goals and until you become a separate unit of society, an independent person and you will not kill my uncertainty, you will not succeed.

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