Why dream of bedding?

Why dream of bedding?

Many people do not remember their dreams, but if the experience of sleep and remain after the man woke up, it can cause anxiety, and even, at times, panic. If a person clearly remember all the details and circumstances of sleep, you are likely to try to interpret his dream, to find out for sure, what the dream a dream. Today let's talk about dream decoding, in which a person sees the linen.

deciphering dreams

For those who want to solve your sleep, it must be said that it is imperative to play in the memory after waking sleep all the details that you remember, because it is from them will depend on its interpretation.

Linens associated with something pleasant, romantic and relaxing, if you see in your dream linen, then in the near future you will find a passionate affair, some special meeting, the opportunity to meet with the person who will be your object of your love .

  • Freud believed that the clothes - it's a kind of personification of femininity, but the bed linen - strong sexual relationship.
  • If you dream you see linen perfectly clean, new, then in your real life on the personal front, all is quiet, nice and cozy. Clean, white sheets in a dream means trust and a strong love in the family, which is not afraid of any test and enemies.
  • In the dream, see the silk underwear in red - in a short time in reality you have to go through a passionate love affair, from which the head just goes around.
  • If you dream you saw a dirty or too old tired bedding - the dream harbinger of scandals and abuse in the family. As they say, forewarned is forearmed, so if you see such a dream, try in the near future to reduce everything to zero quarrel, do not be quick-tempered and do not try to cling to detail.
  • If you dream you saw the linen on which there are rust stains - wait for the guests from afar, perhaps, the arrival of distant relatives or friends.

  • Once your sleep will be based on the pictures and frames with torn bed sheets, pillowcases patched, you know that from the turmoil in reality you just can not hide. None of what a peaceful and comfortable life in the near future will not even think. Small quarrel, trouble will get you a long time.
  • If you dream you are buying a bedding - in reality you are trying to start their love life with a clean slate. And if in a dream you were able to buy a bed that you like and come to your bed, so in reality, the goals will be achieved, and with ease.
  • If you like their own bed linen, but in a dream saw how it was replaced by a new - wait for a dirty trick on the part of a loved one, because, most likely, he'll soon leave you.
  • Decided in a dream to sell their own bed linen, then in reality, you do without realizing it, you want to get rid of your sexual partner, which is likely not all are satisfactory, but are afraid to admit it even to himself. You should always be honest with you, because as a parting on the background of bad sex is inevitable, sooner or later it's still going to happen.

People dream book

People dream interpretation has always been distinguished by its simplicity and logical explanation:

  • Decided to throw their underwear and change it to a new in his dream - expect illness of a loved one.
  • If you decide to lay a bed already used, leaky or dirty linens - most likely, you expect payment for your past sins, which, most likely, you forgot.
  • If you dream you blanketed her bed beautiful, soft and completely new linens and thus happy about this event - in life you are waiting for a pleasant change, both on the personal front as well as at work. In general, the wind of change is projected on all fronts of your life's journey, and it will be a warm wind.

  • Decided in a dream pet duvet cover - wait for an invitation to journey into reality.
  • Gently fold-out bed in the closet - it's over-accuracy and parsimony in reality, you have to pay for.
  • Open in a dream closet, and seeing a stack of flat linen - to wealth in real life. Expect profit, and, with the areas where you are for a long time it did not.
  • We decided to wash the linen in your dream - in reality you feel excessive weakness that gradually, but quickly grow into a serious disease that is not so easy to get rid of. So, take care of yourself and your health, once again not to disturb the bed rest, especially in cold weather.
  • If you dream you see yourself wash your laundry, and water flows with it quite clear, it means that you have behind you discuss, but only in a positive way. If the water from the bed linen in a bowl or tub dirty - so gossip is not really behind you show partiality, and dirt "pouring onto you a stream."

  • If you are in a dream started a large laundry and add to the water "bluing" means, in reality, you have time to put things in order in the house, most of this, is going to visit important person, whose opinion is very important to you.

If the day before you wash clothes in real life or buy it - a dream about these things quite ordinary thing, so you can at this point is not to worry.

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