What dreams bed?

What dreams bed?

Some dreams are remembered so clearly, with all the details and nuances that do not try to decipher, they would not be quite right, especially for those who usually do not remember their dreams. Today we will deal with what to dream bed and how this dream can be exaggerated.

Bed in a snow

In the People's Dream Interpretation of the decoding of dreams, in which there is a bed (if it acts as a main object of sleep) Such:

  • It is clear to see the bed on four legs in front of you - the long road is waiting for a reality.
  • If you lie on the bed in your dream - the likelihood of a serious illness, very high.
  • If in a dream before you stands a large bed, squeezed by beautiful bedding, then in the near future you will be waiting for a magnificent celebration, perhaps even a wedding, if not yours, then your loved one.

In fact, in a dream, such a thing as a bed is an ambiguous symbol, because it can mean both good and solid negative, depending on the circumstances and the day, when this dream you dream:

  • If you dream of bed on Monday, and there is nothing in the room in the room, it means that a person who change your destiny will appear in your life, and takes you very far.
  • On Tuesday, see a broken bed, to destruction in reality of everything that was planned, so be prepared. What a journey breaks up or leaving the picnic on the weekend, you will not be able to buy what was going and see with those who were planned.
  • On Wednesday night to see the bed and man on it, to the ambulance, close or its serious illness.
  • If on Thursday night in a dream you had to see the bed without legs, it means that your plans will not be fully implemented, get ready for what you have to change them at the last moment.
  • From Friday to Sunday see a bed in his dream, it may mean that someone plans to slight on you, which will negatively affect your moral health.

  • Rarely when a bed in dreams can foreshadow something good, especially if you see yourself on this bed or another person.
  • If you have dreamed of a dream where you saw a sleeping cat on a smoothly paid bed, this is a harbinger of bad events and if the dream dreamed on weekends. Unfortunately, influence the course of events, it is unlikely to succeed.
  • If in his dream you saw the bed on which you lie next to the person familiar to you, most likely, in reality, you will part with him, and because of a trifling.
  • In a dream, we stood the cover with a huge bed, everything in life will be smooth and calm. At least in the near future.
  • Clean the bedspread from the bed in a dream - it means that your relocation will bring a lot of positive emotions and events, so do not be upset about this.
  • If you saw a dark room in a dream, in which there is nothing more in except for an empty bed, there is a misfortune - the loss of a loved one becomes imminent.
  • Psychologists claim that the bed is a symbol of the grief and the approaching trouble only if the whole sleep is overshadowed, the sand card, gray and dull, and the bed is an old iron on the legs. In the event that in a dream a man sees a modern bed, a pure bed on it, it means that nothing bad is such a dream to foreshadow.

It should also be noted that there is a lot depends on the perception of a person than a receptive person, the more bright dreams, both positive and terrible. In this case, it is not necessary to give a special meaning to see, because the brain works in tandem with your impressionability, so it turns bright and rich dreams.

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