What dream of a broken car?

What dream of a broken car?

When in a dream you see a broken subject, and it doesn't matter how much it is in size or value, it is almost always bad. Let's find out what a broken car can dream that such a dream may mean and foresee.

Interpretation of sleep

When deciphering dreams, it is necessary to take into account all the factors that may affect the result of interpretation, so each detail will be important here: the size of the car, its color, people in it, driver, etc. So, let's start the analysis of the existing interpretations:

If in a dream you clearly see the broken car, unfortunately, in reality you will have to prepare for serious troubles and difficulties that will soon appear on your way. You need to prepare for the problem that are waiting for you ahead, analyze all your actions, the decisions should be taken deliberately. Nothing in a hurry and no one say anything to anyone.

  • Riding in a dream in a broken car - not to achieve the goals, no matter how you try, whatever funds are invested. In the near future, you can not count on the fact that goals will be achieved, and desires are embodied in real life. In this case, the implementation of the intended may be perhaps only after you correct all your plans and ways to achieve them.
  • If you broke the car when they were on the way, it means danger, and serious, waiting for you very soon. It can wait anywhere: at home, on the street, on the road, at work, in general, be attentive and careful, this dream is a bad sign and harbinger of unpleasant events.
  • If in a dream you put a broken car - the sign is very good, it means that you are aware of all your mistakes and wrong actions and can achieve the desired one, and in all areas of your life.
  • If in a dream to your eyes there are a large number of broken machines. In real life, the mass of trouble will fall on you at one point, and you will have to deal with them alone, because you're not to wait for you from anyone, yours, alleged friends, immediately turn away after learning about the number of your troubles.
  • If you see someone else's broken car, then in reality, you will have a witness to the big problems of some kind of my own person, and help him in their decision, you, unfortunately, will not work, no matter how hard you tried.


  • To see in a dream a broken car of his friend, father or sister, that is, someone concrete, it means that they should beware of long-distance trips, because they can endure enough. Try to dissuade them from the far road, and find weighty arguments for this, because not everyone believes in a thing.
  • To see an accident, a broken car and not injured in it, it means in life, despite all the troubles and difficulties, you will be able to get out of them, so to speak, dry.
  • To see a broken red car, it means that your blood relatives will have serious difficulties in terms of money, and you should help them in solving these problems, karma thanks you for it, no wonder you see this dream.
  • If in a dream you have caused a broken alien car, it means that other people may suffer in life for your nonsense, so, before making any decision. Think good above, whether you do correctly, and will your decision hurt others.
  • How it became clear from the above information little in what cases a broken car may mean something good and, like any broken thing, she does not promise sleeping, nothing positive and joyful. Despite this, it is not worth perceiving the dreams too close to the heart, because no one can be sure why the consciousness and brain gave out just such a picture in your dream.

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