What dreams of a native sister?

What dreams of a native sister?

Sometimes, in a dream we see what they have survived the day - even if it will be slightly "edited" picture. But it happens that in their dreams we come images, which we did not remember, did not think and did not hear. Here it is immediately a question arises - why would it? Today we will deal with what kind of sister can dream and how to decipher such a dream.

Interpretation of a dream

If you live near your native sister nearby. Constantly see or convene, there is nothing special if she dreamed. But sometimes, in a dream, these images become so bright and wade into memory that they simply cannot pay attention to them.

  • Among other things, you can see your native sister in a dream, although in reality it does not exist simply, on such a dream it is also an emphasis, because he was clearly noticeable.
  • Remember that all the details of such a dream need to remember: the appearance of your sister, its age, the expression of the face, the words and the circumstances of the dream. In these details, a secret meaning may be hidden, which will need to solve for the correct interpretation of sleep:
  • If in a dream, you clearly remember the image of your older sister, it means that in the near future it is worth expecting trouble, and they can concern different areas of your activity. The reason for this, most likely, the dreams themselves will become, and often problems are detected in labor activity - dismissal, decrease, reprimand, deprivation of premiums, etc.
  • If, in his dream, the eldest native sister for some provinces of you, it means in reality, for your mistakes, in any case, you will have to justify.

He dreamed that my native sister was crying or bitterly crying, it means that in real life a lot of completely new opportunities would open in front of it, which she should take advantage (this is if you have it). It can be a long-round trip that will become a decisive factor in the development and course of its continued life. Try to support her in its endeavors and do not discharge from possible proposals, because they will play an important role in the formation of its future.

  • If in your dream you saw your still unmarried sister in the position. It means that its marriage is not far from the corner, and how happy will the upcoming marriage become directly dependent on which emotions in his dream experienced a man: joy or regret.
  • If the sister is in the position, which is already married, it means that there are serious changes in personal life and family matters, but what nature of these changes will have, depends on the emotions that will experience in a dream.
  • If your native sister came to you in a dream in a wedding dress, you have to part with it. In the event that you have seen her narrowed with her, it means that there is nothing terrible in it, because the separation will be, firstly, the planned, secondly, is short, so it's not worth it over to worry about this.
  • If during your sister's marriage ceremony in a dream there was no groom, it means that your separation will be sufficiently protracted. Among other things, such a dream can be a precursor of the future serious relationship of your sister.
  • If in your dream you are watching how your sister gives birth, it means that in real life you will have to face some petty problems, and they will have to solve them alone, because you will not wait for support from the side.

Details of sleep

Notice the details, because the interpretation of sleep depends on them:

  • Sister in a dream gave birth to the girl, it means that pleasant events in your life will not make it wait. Get ready for the fact that there will simply be a penalty from pleasant news. If the sister's sister in a dream gave birth to boys - then obstacles on the way in life will stand one after another, but you will come to the goal anyway.

  • If in your dream you saw your sick sister, then very soon you will incur losses, and capital. This moment may concern any of the areas of your activity.
  • If you dream you see your sick sister who is recovering - not so bad, because in a short time, your black bar will be brighter, and then turn into white, trouble-free strip.
  • If in a dream your sister is sick with an incurable disease, prepare for global losses, so that the belts have tightened thorough. The financial scope of your life will suffer greatly, we can say that the situation will be called - "at zero".
  • If in your dream you saw his own sister is very beautiful and breath-taking, it means that your family will be peace, harmony and tranquility. Your hard work and balance finally bore fruit, so that such a situation in the family, this is your merit.
  • If you dream sister happy to see you, it means that in the near future, will reward you at work.
  • In the dream, your sister is getting married, so in the future, your affair with an interesting person to be fleeting, but very bright, so enjoy the moment.
  • If your sister had a dream about you sad, then, expect minor difficulties on the way. Do not give their position, no matter how much you do not put pressure on the side because it regain its former position, you will fail.

I dreamed that your sister - your twin (but in real life it is not), then wait for the repetition of some not very pleasant situation in your life, and you will become and the reason for this repetition.

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