What is the berry?

What is the berry?

In a dream, you can see things and objects that I didn't even remember. Let's figure out today, why can be the berries and how to decipher such dreams.

Sleep about Yagoda

Different dreams interpret the dreams about the berries in different ways, and if you want to know the most accurate information, you will have to remember all the details of sleep:

  • If you are in your dream, go through the forest or other territory, dyed with berries, and collect them carefully in Lukoshko, it means that in reality, you will perform very tedious, long and painstaking work. In the dream book it is said that the awareness of the need for this work and the calculation of the profit from this case, much simplifies the task and make it not as oppressing.

  • If in a dream you eat berries, then you should remember what kind of taste they were, because exactly from this factor will depend on the accurate interpretation of sleep:
  • If the berries in a dream melted you in the mouth, there were sweet and very tasty, it means that everything will be fine in reality, the goals achieved with ease, good luck will be accompanied in all matters, there will be no obstacles on the way.
  • If, in a dream, you felt that the berries are very sour, at the same time, after taste very unpleasant, and knits in the mouth, it means that in reality you should be alert, troubles are waiting for you, and people who have enough people can go to the meanness that will leave In the soul there is an unpleasant precipitate.
  • Collect ripe and large berries in a dream - in real life your efforts will not be a gift, and will give their fruits that will improve your social status and material well-being.

The color of the berries also plays the last role in the interpretation of dreams. So, if you have a red berry, wait to visit your relatives, perhaps from afar (by the way, the red color in a dream is always associated with related links).

If you drop the red berries to the floor and try to correct the situation by collecting them back to hand, a vessel or basket, it means that someone from relatives need your help.

What berries saw in a dream?

In some dreams, it is not at all clear which berries to take, but sometimes, a person clearly sees a certain variety of berries:

  • In dreams such a berry like a cherry, is a symbol of future regrets and disappointments, so if the cherry berries illustrate exclusively, it will soon cry, because the goals set in front of you will not be achieved. Most often it concerns love affairs, so you need to be extremely careful in choosing a lover or adoration object.
  • If, in a dream you dreamed a lot of raspberries, be sure that in the near future you are waiting for solid joyful events in which you will be the epicenter.
  • Strawberry dreams - your excessive tag justifies itself to pleasure, because you have erotic adventures and new sensations. There is a strawberry, it means to receive real pleasure in reality.
  • Collect the cherry berries or just see a tree with berries in a dream, wait in your real life of change, and the capital. It should be noted that this is a berry symbol of positive emotions, in almost all dreams, and therefore changes will be positive.
  • Cherries are very similar to the cherry by external data, and in the dream interpretation of dreams about a cherry, similar to the cherry bed, so that in a dream, a tree with sneakers are not good, and if the fruits are very big and they sleep all the tree - it means that your problems will be so Also large and there will also be many.

  • If a large blueberry is dreaming - in reality, a gorgeous feast awaits you on which you will be a welcome guest.
  • If in a dream you decided to collect berries in the forest, but coming to the clearing, you saw that all the berries are rotten, this is a completely unkind sign. Eleaches to be definitely - no matter how sad it sounds, but the verdict in this case is unequivocal.
  • To dream too small berry, it means that in reality wait for small, but unpleasant problems with which you can cope quickly, but still, the sediment is unpleasant.
  • In a dream, stumble upon a glade with a large berry - in life get a big pleasant surprise, winnings, raising, etc.

The dreams can not always be positive, but at the same time, it should be noted that each dream is not the cause of some event, it is just a warning or harbinger of something.

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