Why is cherry dreaming?

Why is cherry dreaming?

Fragrant and delicious cherries are popular summer berries among both children and adults. What is the dream in which these red fruits appeared?

I dreamed of cherry - Explanations of popular dream books

  • Freud explanations. The interpretation of vision largely depends on the details of sleep.
  1. Drinkled or wilting branches symbolize the extinction of feelings. Love has passed and it is unlikely to return something.
  2. Ripe and juicy cherries talk about sexual pleasure, new sensations that a new partner will give.
  3. Blooming cherry branches predict love or love.
  • Esoteric interpreter. The appearance of cherries in night dreams warns of danger - the sleeping risks the risk of being poisoned, the most threat has a meal at a party. If in a dream you cook cherries, perhaps you are too spinning paints and pump the atmosphere. In fact, the situation is not as critical as you think.
  • Miller's interpretations. To see cherries in dreams is a good sign, friendliness and disinterestedness of the sleeping person will play a good service, your popularity will increase. The appearance of green (unimportant) fruits is a harbinger of good luck.
  • Explanations of Hass.
  1. The flowering cherry tree is a symbol of happiness and soon marriage.
  2. To see many ripe berries on the branches of a tree - your house will be filled with happiness and joy.
  3. Collect cherries, tearing them off the branches - to gain pleasure.
  4. Eat ripe cherries - wait soon for the arrival of good news. But if the berries were sour, it is worthwhile to carefully think about your dreams and desires, the probability of their fulfillment is close to zero.

I dreamed of cherry - Features of berries

  • Beautiful, ripe and at the same time large berries portend an imminent meeting with the face of the opposite sex. The time spent together will give exclusively positive emotions.
  • The appearance of ripe cherries surrounded by other berries is a very successful sign that promises success in love affairs and absolute happiness. You will be calm and completely satisfied with life.
  • Bitter, sour or unripe berries indicate the upcoming problems. It can be both problems at work or in personal life, and a deterioration in health.
  • The spoiled, rotten cherries that appeared in dreams speak of the poor glory that your envious people and enemies created. Be prepared to make a lot of effort to restore your reputation.
  • Black berries appear in dreams-preliminaries. Fraud and betrayal from a loved one is possible, you should be more careful.

I dreamed of cherry - actions with berries

  • If in a dream you eat cherry berries, a good old girlfriend will soon call you. An alternative interpretation of sleep is a successful completion of the working project, obtaining a long -awaited thing.
  • With an appetite, eat all the cherries that you see - a dream promises an early healing from the disease.
  • Powering berries with greed, in a hurry predicts spiritual experiences and grief due to unrequited love.
  • Prepare and drink compote from cherries - you will find leisure in a pleasant company and warm memories.
  • If in a dream you treat guests with fragrant berries, harmony and tranquility will reign in your soul.
  • The cherry pie that you eat portends a fun and pleasant walk with the kids.

I dreamed of cherry in the garden - Details of sleep

  • If you see how ripe fruits are collected by other people, you should be especially careful. High risk of property loss.
  • Swing ripe cherries - an influential person will appear on your way, who will resolutely change your life. However, do not forget that it is you who are the creator of your fate.
  • Fold ripe fruits in your pocket - your labors and efforts will be appreciated and rewarded.
  • Cook cherry jam - review your behavior in relation to a loved one. Your actions can lead to a breakdown.

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