What dream cut off your hair?

What dream cut off your hair?

For the girl, her hair is the property, pride and in some cases, a business card and when she dreams that her hair is cut off, it causes a spectrum of emotions, and not very positive. Let's find out what dreams of trimming hair and that this dream can be foreseen.

Interpretation of a dream

Basically, in dream books, this dream is decoded as a warning about the coming hazard. As far as it is serious and global, can suggest the details of sleep, which is desirable to remember that in the morning, after waking up, it was possible to reproduce it.

Hair haircut in a dream is a symbol of a person's vulnerability and a possible blow to a weak point, and in such a state, it is very simple to make a bunch of troubles. If you dreamed a dream in which you cut your hair or you do it yourself. It is better to postpone serious solutions in reality, as well as cancel all important and responsible events, career growth may depend on the outcome of which, your success in society, etc.

Circumcision of hair in a dream is also a person in reality some losses, and most often, they concern exactly the financial sector of the dream activity.

Previously, the hair on the head was a sign of experience, the place of accumulation of information, it is today hair haircut is nothing more than changing the image, and in a dream, the hair cutting process is an omensing of danger, and a reminder that it is better not to do something really important in the near future Otherwise, the outlined plans do not fate come true.

Deciphering sleep

Sleep on trimmed hair can have a different interpretation, depending on who exactly cuts them, and to whom they are cut. Such details must be key when deciphering the dream under consideration:

  • If you cut you, and your hair becomes shorter, it means that in reality you are waiting for trouble in cash, losses will be felt, there will also be problems in family life, so you should not inflate the conflicts from small quarrels.
  • If you have a hairdresser in a dream and cut your hair to someone else, it means that you will immediately suspend your problems with someone else's expense to solve your problems and even profit.
  • If you are in a dream, perform a hairdresser for a person who means a lot in reality for you, this is an omnant of your victory in the struggle for him, and you will with confidence take the top over it, but you should not relax, because you will lose it easily.

  • If in a dream you have a hairdresser in a hairdresser, and you know well what cuts your hair, wait for it in a short time he will decide to manipulate you, and therefore, it is necessary not to give for this reason.
  • If a person who cuts your hair in a dream, you don't need to wait for the dangers from people to you, but the loss in life spheres have a place to be, and the cause of everything that is happening, you will only and your actions.
  • If in a dream you are just watching someone someone cut your hair, nothing bad is a dreamless, even on the contrary, you will witness the events that will benefit you, because thanks to my dream you know whose dream The side must be taken (who the hair cuts off).


Different dreams are different interpretation of dreams, but it is worth noting that deep meaning remains the same, only interpretation varies a little.

  • According to Miller. Trim the hair itself in a dream, it means own to drive himself into a sad and sorry state. Among other things, your gloom into reality will bring you a lot of problems, because no one wants to conduct any business with suspicion and not a very nice person. You are so focused on themselves and their problems, which will not even notice how will become a victim of fraud.
  • It is very important in a dream to notice what you're wearing, whether your figure and appearance of reality, because such nuances, and will be key in deciphering dreams.

  • Modern dream book says that hair, their length, and everything that is happening with them in a dream, these are important symbols that pay attention to. In fact, it is in the hair that contains the secret meaning of the dream (in many sources, the hair is a symbol of human vital energy), which is why intensifying them by circumcision is a negative sign.
  • Sleep, tied with hair, can not be empty, in whatever day of the week he did not dream, the only thing - if you had a haircut after you were in a hairdresser's reality, only then such a dream can not mean anything.
  • If in a dream you cut the hair with your native person, then you are your own hands in reality "Cutting" your way to him. It is according to your fault that you will stop communicating and become strangers, so think about how to make important decisions about this.
  • You cut your hair to your child - prevent him from going along the chosen path, block him the road, pick it up with his dream and thus, make it with my own enemy, let's make it possible to independently determine what in life you need, what he wants to do and keep him, Only so you can return its location.

In any case, if in a dream you saw how someone crashes you hair. Or you do it yourself - it is worth looking into the dream book and find out what such a dream would have to dream and what to expect in the near future.

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