What makes marmalade?

What makes marmalade?

Today's variety of marmalade varieties allows the buyer to choose exactly the product that he will like most. If someone thinks that different marmalade varieties practically do not differ from each other and it's just a jelly-like elastic delicacy, then it is deeply mistaken. With its elastic, but at the same time and tender consistency, Marmalade is obliged to special thickeners (gelling substances), and several species use them in confectionery.

What geming agents are used for making marmalade?

Because of the substance for the geling of marmalade uses one or another manufacturer, not only the taste, but also the usefulness of the well-known dessert.

  • In the first place of usefulness is pectin. This product is most in apples, but it is also present in many berries and fruits. Pectin is also mined from a special type of seaweed. The utility of marmalade on pectin is that this gelling agent displays salts of heavy metals and toxins from the body. Pectin also reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and reduces pressure.
  • It is quite useful as the normalization of metabolism in the body so-called "agar-agar". This perfectly gelling component of marmalade is used in the production of sweet dessert most often. And at least the utility of marmalade on agar-agar is in second place, to taste, it is a little better than marmalade on pectin. Agar-agar from brown algae is mined. In agar-agar, there are a lot of trace elements that human organism need.
  • The third place for utility occupies gelatin, but on it in industrial production marmalad almost do not. But it often uses hostesses for the manufacture of homemade dessert. Make gelatin from the tendons and bones of cattle. Homemade marmalade is useful for those who have dry hair, brittle nails and peeling skin - all these unpleasant manifestations can normalize animal gelatin.
  • The most recent place of utility occupies a modified starch, which is a derivative of ordinary potato starch. Marmalade on starch almost does not contain useful substances and it is very calorie.

What else is part of marmalade?

The basis of good marmalade is always natural juices or fruit puree. They are mixed with sugar or molasses and evaporated to a thick state. Then add a gelling agent, slightly heat the mass and poured into the shape for cooled and the final thickening. For brightness of color in natural marmalade add:

  • carmin - it attaches a red color to marmalade, but mining it from very rare insects called "Koshenyle".
  • turmeric - responsible for bright yellow color. Kurkuma is the crushed root of a spicy plant growing in eastern countries.
  • an epicraser is a dark dye of blue grapes or eases. In a light alkaline environment, the dark color becomes blue or purple and it is sometimes mixed with turmeric to get green green.

Such a useful formulation is complied with all manufacturers.

Many pastry shops instead of natural berry and fruit juices and puree use highly diluted juice with the addition of chemical flavors and dyes. It is very easy to distinguish such a not very useful marmalade. Marmalade with dyes and artificial aromas smells very much and is too bright. The price of such marmalade is much cheaper than that made of natural products.

Types of Marmalades

Marmalade happens:

  • Sheet, which consists of several multi-colored layers. Such marmalade is easy to cut at home on any geometric shapes.
  • Rectangular, which is obtained by cutting in the confectionery shop of marmalade leaf and sprinkles with sugar sand pieces.
  • In the form of figures: flowers, ovals, balls. They also go on sale sprinkled sugar to prevent the adhesion of individual figures.
  • Visually resembling lemon and orange slices. Such a delicacy is made from two types of marmalade. Yellow or orange slices themselves - from marmalade on pectin, and white crusts are from Marmalade on Agar-Agar. From above, everything is sprinkled with sand sugar.
  • Chewing, who are very loved by children. Make it in the form of funny animal figures. In addition to the traditional components in chewing marmalad, beeswax and vegetable fat are also added. These figures do not stick together with each other, but they are powdered with sugar powder for beauty.

Marmalade can be tried independently. As, look at this video.

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