What is the Holocaust?

What is the Holocaust?

The word "Holocaust" (from the Greek "voice" - the whole and "caustos" - burning) historically used to describe the sacrificial offering, burning on the altar. The contemporary concept means the genocide of any people.

Historic Holocaust Backgrounds

Since 1945, the concept of the Holocaust has acquired a new, terrible meaning: the massacre of the German Nazi regime of 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other pursued groups (Gypsies and homosexuals). For the anti-Semitic Hitler leader, this ethnic group was a lower race that threatened racial purity and community. The persecution of the Jews was carried out under the guise of war, and the mass murder centers were built in the concentration camps of the occupied Poland.

Bitter prehistory

Anti-Semitism in Europe did not begin with Adolf Hitler. The use of the term dates back to 1870, but there are evidence of hostility towards the Jews long before the Holocaust. In the ancient world, the Roman authorities destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem, forcing people to leave Palestine. Enlightenment in the XVII and XVIII centuries adhered to religious tolerance, and in the 19th century Napoleon and other European rulers adopted laws that put an end to the long-time persecution of the Jews. However, the anti-Semitic feeling in the states did not disappear anywhere.

Anti-Semitism Hitler

Special anti-Semite is considered to be Hitler, born in Austria in 1889 and who has passed the first world war. Like many anti-Semites of Germany, he accused the Jews in the defeat of the country in 1918. Natility was considered a problem for the whole society that needs to be addressed to revive the nation. In his memoir treatise "Mein Kampf" ("My struggle") Hitler predicted a common European war that would lead to the "extermination of the Jewish race in Germany." The Führer was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe superiority of the "clean" race (Aryan), and the need for its expansion.

First concentration camps

Objectives of racial purity became the basis of Hitler's worldviews. The first official concentration camp opened in Dakhau (near Munich) in March 1933 for the Communists, and Henrich Himmler himself controlled him, head of the elite Nazi Guard. By June 1933, German concentration camps in conclusion about 27,000 people. For six years, the Nazis have taken "arianization" of Germany, freeing the unicerities from the public service and eliminating the enterprises belonging to the Jews. In November 1938, the German synagogues were burned during the "Crystal Night" and windows were broken in Jewish stores; About 100 Jews were killed and thousands of thousands were arrested.

The course of history

Having taught in 1939 the Western half of Poland, the Nazis sent thousands of Jews to the ghetto. They were waiting for barbed wire, poverty, hunger and incurable diseases. According to the program of euthanasia, about 70,000 physical and psychological people with disabilities were destroyed. Looking back, we can say that this program has become the start of the Holocaust.

New deaths, 1940-1941

Throughout the spring and summer of 1940, the German army expanded the Hitler's empire. Hundreds of thousands of Jews and European Gypsies were delivered to the Polish ghetto. The treacherous invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 became the new twist of cruelty in the war. Mobile murder departments (Ainzazgroups) killed more than 500,000 Soviet Jews. Since September 1941, each of the exterminated ethnic group was marked with a yellow star, which made them open targets. Soon, tens of thousands of people were deported to the Polish ghetto.

Genocide, 1941-1945

Since the late 1941, the Nazis transported patients, old, weak people from the ghetto to the concentration camps of Poland. The first terrible murders in the gas chambers of the Fascists spent in the Belzhets camp, near Lublin. On the lands of the occupied Poland, five more massive murders were built: Helmno, Sobibor, Tskilka, Maidan, and the largest of them - Auschvitz Birkenaau. Although the Nazis tried to maintain the secrecy of their camps, the scope of the murder did it impossible.

Eyewitnesses came about the Nazi atrocities to the governments of the Allies. Only in Auschwitz were killed more than 2 million people. Most of the 6 million Jews who were killed from 1941 to 1945 were Polish and Russian origin.

Pain Holocaust

Holocaust wounds, famous for Hebrew as Sho, were slowly treated. The remaining in living Jews were not where to return. In the late 1940s, a large number of refugees, prisoners of war and other displaced persons emerged in Europe. In an effort to punish the villains of the Holocaust, the Allies held the Nuremberg process, which condemned the atrocities of the Nazis. Since 1953, the German government recognized the responsibility of the German people for crimes and made payments to individual Jewish families. At the UN initiative, on January 27, the International Day of Memory of the victims of the Holocaust is celebrated annually.

The pain and loss of the Holocaust are not possible to forget, but the main thing - you need to make every effort so that similar bitter pages of history never happened.

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