In principle, all of us from school are known what paragraph is. It is a piece of text from one red string to another. But maybe in this word laid some extra, deeper meaning? Let's deal with.
Definition of the word "paragraph"
Consider several definitions that give the word "paragraph" in the wordness:
- It is a piece of writing speech, which may consist of one or several offers.
- Paragraph is a kind of text of measuring text. It is greater than the phrase, but less than the chapter. The text concluded in the paragraph, usually has one thought or subject. At the same time, if only one phrase is allocated in the paragraph, then the author seeks to emphasize its significance.
- The division of the text on paragraphs make it more easily to perceive it and comprehend.
- As mentioned above, the paragraph is allocated in the text not only by the beginning from a new line, but also enhance its value by the indentation from the right edge, or separate the space.
The meaning of the selection of paragraphs
Of course, you can write the text with a solid, without sharing it in any way. But it is only worth conducting a simple experiment, and you immediately give up such ways to present thoughts.
The meaning of this experiment is simple: the usual, the well-known fairy tale "repka" is given to read the child. The first option is divided into paragraphs, the second - no. At the same time, the child knows the meaning of this fairy tale from the earliest childhood. So, a child who read a fairy tale, divided into paragraphs, retraced her without difficulty, and he practically did not understand the meaning, reading the tale entirely, without sections on paragraphs, while even the usual reading he made monotonously, without an emotional color, as a robot .
- That is, it turns out that the separation on paragraphs not only makes it easier to assimilate the meaning of the text, but also gives him a certain emotional color.
- The reader dividing the text on paragraphs also allows you to more easily assimilate the meaning of the read, understand the logic of the author, make it possible to easily understand the main idea.
- Those few sentences enclosed in paragraph are combined with common topics, thought, idea. The first sentence usually carries the basis, and the rest reveal it more extensively.
- In the paragraph, each previous offer is preparing the reader to the subsequent. This is the talent for building text, its true meaning is. That is, the main proposal denoting the topic is a kind of staining. And the remaining offers comment on the main one.
Paragraphs are an integral part of the text that make it visually more attractive, understandable and accessible to read. It is worth a second to imagine literature without paragraphs, as all the great works turn into a faceless gray mass, difficult to perceive and understand.