What to bring the smell of cat urine

What to bring the smell of cat urine

Yesterday you rejoiced that a little kitten appeared in the house, and today they find the puddle in the wrong place. Or an adult longly accustomed cat, began to mark sofas and shoes. All this is very unparalle. But even more unpleasant is the smell of feline feces.

Causes of behavior

Little kittens to tray eye cats mother. Adult cats and cats do not always leave the puddles there and here from harm. As a rule, these are clean creatures and begin to urinate in the corners they can at objective reasons. And before scolding a pet, you need to figure out why he does it.

  1. Metty territory begins non-stirred cats to attract cats or to scare off competitors from their possessions. Sprinkling a stream of urine on furniture, shoes, clothes and others are not suitable for this items, the cat, so shows who is the owner in the house.
  2. Uncomfortable, small in size tray can become one of the reasons for his non-acceptance of animals. An important role is also playing the same purity of the cat toilet and its location. Music friends prefer to make their "cases" in silence and cleanliness. The cats have a very strong sense of smell and even a small unpleasant smell will turn her away from the tray. Therefore, it is recommended to change or supplement the filler as it is contaminated, and the tray itself is cleaned with detergents.
  3. Stress. Cats vane and sensitive personnel. Any rude attitude, a restless atmosphere in the house or a change of residence can take a fluffy beauty from equilibrium. Cattle can easily be offended or frightened, which will lead to trouble.
  4. New smells. The new sofa or shoes of the guests carry an unfamiliar, outsiders. The cat will try to mark the subject to make it "its own".
  5. Sometimes animals, especially in old age, suffer from urinary incontinence. Only the appeal to the veterinary clinic and the reception of the recommended drugs will be able to ease the life of a pet.


Today, any pet store has a large assortment to combat various feline smells. By preferring a professional tool, it is worth choosing a manufacturer who uses enzymes in its composition. These enzymes really eliminate the smell, and not only for a while they neutralize it. For best results, you must adhere to the recommendation of the instruction that is attached to each drug.

Folk remedies

Not always at hand there may be special tools for cleaning. In such cases, popular experience comes to the rescue.

  1. Soda + hydrogen peroxide. The resulting stain is completely falling asleep with soda, the tops are poured with 3% hydrogen peroxide. As a result, a reaction is formed with the separation of ammonia, but the problem is solved by ventilating the room. With old spots, it is better to leave a solution for the night. It is not recommended to handle soda fabric, which can leave your mark, be it clothing or furniture upholstery
  2. Vodka. On the "excellent" cope with a feline aroma, you only need to wipe the polluted place in vodka with a napkin. Suitable for any surface. It has one minus - the alcoholic smell, which will also need to withdraw.
  3. Lemon acid. Very simple and effective way. The water is divorced lemon juice and stains stain. In severe cases, and, if the surface allows, a concentrated juice can be used. The lemon is not only fighting well with smells, but in the future they will scare the cat from repeated actions.
  4. Manganese. A steep solution of manganese will help launder a spot with a floor or linoleum. It is important to dissolve the crystals well, otherwise you can get a painted surface. For clothes and shoes, this method is not suitable.
  5. Iodine. Not bad method Remove stains from dark surfaces. In 1 liter of water, 20-25 drops of iodine are bred and rub pollution. Light areas can leave their traces.
  6. Vinegar. Universal means to combat cat smells. Suitable for clothes, furniture, floor, doors. One part of the vinegar add three parts of the water. The resulting liquid wipe pollution or pour into the pulverizer, and process the surface.

Useless tools

After detection of the puddles, it is necessary to get rid of stains faster. If you do not do this on time, the cat can repeat my "feat" again, and then from the resistant smell it will be difficult to get rid of. But the use of the first girlfriends does not always benefit, but sometimes aggravates the situation. It is not recommended to use various aromatic agents (air fresheners, deodorants, oils, ground coffee, etc.), which only wait the smell for a while, but do not get rid of it. Do not use the means with chlorine content. Despite the disinfecting properties, chlorine evaporation is harmful to animals and people. In addition, chlorine will not save the unpleasant fragrance to the end, but only adds its own.

It is always better to find the root cause of the wrong behavior of the cat. But if the problems identified did not find solutions and the animal continues to mark everything around, several ways are known to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

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