How to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the sofa

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the sofa

Now there are many fillers for feline trays who long hold unpleasant odors. But when the baby is only mastering the tray, he can make his "business" anywhere: on the floor, on the carpet and even on the sofa. The smell of urine is resistant and it is impossible to withdraw in conventional water with detergent. If the smell remains, the pet will go to this place and make a new puddle.

Why is the wrath so persistent?

As part of urine present:

  • urea (dissolved in water);
  • urochrome - this substance is responsible for the intensity of the color of urine;
  • uric acid that does not dissolve in water.

It is urinary acid that retains a resistant smell, even if the sofa is carefully cleaned. With increasing moisture level in the room and temperature, small crystals highlight an unpleasant smell. If you do not remove the crystals of uric acid, then the smell will be present constantly.

Uric acid is well dissolved in glycerin, alkaline solution and not so good - in alcohol-containing liquids and in non-diluted alcohol.

In order to remove the unpleasant urine smell, such funds will be suitable:

  • iodine, diluted with water;
  • citric acid or acetic, diluted with water;
  • hydrogen peroxide at undiluted form;
  • ordinary vodka or alcohol + a little water;
  • soda solution;
  • magnantic solution.
  • soap: Glycerin and economic.

How to get rid of the smell of feline urine on the sofa. Effective methods

The problem needs to be eliminated quickly, and there is no time to search for special means.

You need to do this:

  • take toilet paper (whole roll) or packaging paper towels;
  • prepare a table vinegar and water, you need to breed vinegar in water, 1 part of vinegar and 4 parts of water;
  • prepare soda and peroxide (3%);
  • as well as dishwashing liquid - 10 ml;
  • you will need a pulverizer and syringe.

How to eliminate the smell of urine:

  • Spain place must be cleaned so that there are no divorces on the fabric. If there are stains, they need to wipe them with a sponge dipped in a vinegar solution.
  • To remove the smell of vinegar, take advantage of paper towels.
  • Wait when the wet scene is dry, decay soda on the spot, and if the urine penetrated deeply, then make a solution: water + soda, take the syringe, type soda solution, enter into the sofa.
  • In the sprayer, you need to pour peroxide (we are divorced in proportions 1: 1 with water), add dishwashing liquid, shake well.
  • Moisten the islands, which before it triggered soda. If you were injected with a soda solution from the syringe, then it is necessary to repeat the same procedure similarly, only now to introduce the hydrogen peroxide solution.
  • After a while you will feel the strong smell of ammonium, it is even very good! Because the urea entered the reaction with acids (soda and peroxide). As soon as the reaction stops, the place must be dried and spending.

How else can you get rid of the smell of feline urine on the sofa

Well removes the smell of urea. Ordinary shopping soap:

  • take a piece of soap, grind you convenient for you in order to get a small crumb (for example, soap can be gratened in a small grater);
  • soap chips fold in a bucket or a bowl, add warm water. Wait until the soap is dissolved in water;
  • soapy water you need to carefully rub the place of pollution, leave for half an hour;
  • when a crust is formed, carefully remove with a damp cloth (moisten in warm water.

This method is more suitable for dark upholstery of upholstered furniture, as is the ability to use iodine solution. In order to get rid of the characteristic smell of feline urine, you need to dissolve in a glass of water 30 drops of iodine. Use the washcloth to remove the stain.

That is not suitable for getting rid of the smell of urine on the sofa

No need to clean the wet place with chlorine, because chlorine-containing drugs can remove the smell, but at the same time they will attract a pet with their resistant aroma. And no exclusion that the cat will return to the previous place to repeat their mistakes.

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