5 signs of a cheap woman

5 signs of a cheap woman

How often do you hear or say the phrase: "This woman is cheap" or she "cheap looks"? But everyone puts the meaning in these statements different. Sometimes it concerns the appearance, and sometimes not very good features of the character of the girl. About how the cheap woman looks like and how to recognize it in society, read in our article.

5 signs of a cheap woman in appearance

A narrowed woman can be seen with the naked eye. A person involuntarily draws attention to such a person, as it clearly stands out from the crowd with its appearance:

  • hair (Cheap Women's hair looks extremely neglected: thrown roots, grains and "fat" curls on all length; Most often, the hair is spoiled from the use of cheap paints, bright hair colors are also a sign of a cheap woman);
  • bright, incompatible makeup (makeup from a cheap woman will not depend on the time of day or season, red lipstick, blue shadows and thick black arrows in front of the eyes, "decorate" the face of women and talk about her missing and low cost);
  • condition of hands and legs (no need to visit the weekly manicure master so that the hands were well-groomed, it is enough to have a standard set for homely manicure; a cheap woman's hands and legs look unadamed, sometimes, even cause disgust: Locked on nails, dried elbows, rough hands , cracked heels, sowing, on legs and armpits clearly visited vegetation);
  • the state of the teeth (the presence of caries or the lack of teeth says that the woman is not friendly with hygiene);
  • the smell (cheap woman can be found in the smell, the fragrance can be so strong that it is almost impossible to be with such a lady in the same room; so as not to get into the list of cheap women, use a very small amount of spirits so that the fragrance of you was easily catching, Also do not forget about the daily use of the antiperspirant).

Signs of a cheap woman from the leading TV show "Fashion sentence"

Evelia Chromchenko's opinion is very important for all persons in the fashion world. The famous expert believes that the low cost of women can be found not only in appearance, but also in her lifestyle:

  • buying things only well-known brands (the leading claims that many modern girls chase exclusively beyond brands and believe that the thing is more expensive, the better, but sometimes, such things can be absolutely ridiculous and tasteless);
  • to be arrogant and put yourself above all (the expert suggests that the modest girls in the modern world is a very valuable "product", since arrogant ladies are found almost everywhere);
  • discrepancy between the appearance with the place of visit (many girls turn a visit to the grocery stores in a real trip on the red carpet, such an appearance speaks exclusively about low cost and inappropriateness);
  • being the content (respecting yourself a woman will not sit at a man on her neck and ask him money for needs);
  • live loan (live without means - this is another sign of a cheap woman, take a loan for the purchase of a mink coat and ride in it in the tram, is considered an absolutely logical action).

Signs of cheap woman behavior

This woman will not recognize labor, as it will turn your attention herself.

  • loud talk on the telephone in public transport (cheap without difference, whether you want to listen to her very important conversation with a friend, all passengers will be aware of the latest news from her personal life);
  • obscene vocabulary, the use of jargon, etc.;
  • filming up relations in the eyes of strangers (such girls attract attention to the scandals in public places, often enter into a dispute with waiters, sellers, taxi drivers);
  • vulgar dancing in clubs or on a disco (a cheap woman will definitely find a pole for striptease or simps it);
  • cheaply love publicity, they are registered in all social networks, they act on their pages actively, exposing photos against the background of other people's expensive cars, expensive food in cafes, plane tickets, etc. And they will depend on the number of "likes" and enthusiastic comments.

Now you know what a cheap woman looks like. And remember that such a person not only looks neglected, but also has very bad traits of character.

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